Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Message from the Grand Knight

Good Day Brothers All

On behalf of the newly elected Officers of Council 6099, thank you. Thank you for your confidence in our desire to serve you and our council. Thank you in advance for your support this coming fraternal year; and most importantly, thank you for your prayers, that we may execute our offices to the glory of God.

Corky and I have made the commitment to have a monthly newsletter mailed out to you to keep you informed and therefore involved in your council – The Best Council in the State of TN! You can expect the coming month’s calendar of events, words of encouragement, invitations to service, and requests for updated contact information so we can continue to keep in touch with you.

For this month I would like to outline my focus for the coming year. I hope you will agree with me that these steps will help us build on the great success of our past and propel us to even greater success in the future.

6099 is counting on you for success 1 – 2 – 3

1. One new member every month. We have many great charitable projects and we need the men to make them successful, the more good men we have the more charitable projects we can tackle. I am not talking about –just a new member - I am talking about Good Catholic Men; someone like you. Someone who is involved in their family, their church and the community, these are the men we want.
2. Two Brothers at every function. Two men are better than one (to paraphrase Ecclesiastes 4:9). What task is not easier when two men tackle the job? Remember when you proposed a Brother Knight? When was the last time you brought a Brother Knight to a business meeting, social meeting or event? Pick your favorite Brother and get them to join us.
3. Three hours of service every month. We need all Brothers involved to make our project burdens light and to fulfill our call to service. Imagine what impact we would have on our community if every single Brother gave 3 hours a month to the Good Works of our Order. Consider these examples. 1 hour for a business meeting + a 2 hour MR drive shift = 3 hours a month and this is jut 2 days out of your month. How about 1 hour business meeting + 1 hour social + 1 hour faith night = 3 hours. 1 hour business meeting + 6 rosaries = 3 hours. You get the idea, and if you need more ideas just call me.

The best way to reach me to share your thoughts and ideas is on my cell phone or email. You all know how much I travel for work, but this means I always have my cell phone and computer close by. I look forward to see you all, involved, very soon.

Vivat Jesus

Victor Williams – GK 6099
423.645.0745, victor.williams@agilysys.com

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