Friday, May 23, 2008

KofC Softball: Check Out the Mighty Caseys!

The 6099 softball team season is off and running in the Camp Jordan Men's League Bronze Division. Stay tuned to this space for updates on this season's progress. Better yet, come see the action in person. Games take place each week in Camp Jordan Park, field #9, in East Ridge. Following is the schedule for the rest of the season:




GAMES - Dates, Times, Teams

THURSDAY, MAY 29, 8:30 - 3 VS 4

THURSDAY, JUNE 5, ,6:30 - 3 VS 2

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 7:30 - 3 VS 5

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 6:30 - 3 VS 4

THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 8:30 - 3 VS 6

THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 6:30 - 3 VS 7

Sunday, May 18, 2008

B16's trip has big effect on U.S. Catholics

You have read all about the Holy Father's trip to the USA, but you may be wondering how much of an effect it had on American Catholics. Here's a reason to hope that the visit had the intended effect on the Church in America based on a report posted on the Supreme website.

The biggest effects saw significant increases in personal spirituality, sense of civic duty and popularity of the Pope and the Catholic Church in general.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Military History - KofC War Posters

Just in time for Armed Forces Day, here is a very interesting collection of war posters which includes posters about the activities of the Knights of Columbus and campaigns to support the National Catholic War Council. To view them, click the link above to go to the search page, type in "Knights of Columbus" in the search bar or select it from the large scroll menu on the right. These WW1 era KofC posters are from the extensive collection housed at the University of Minnesota. You'll notice in the menu there are many different types of posters you can explore, including posters from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and one having to do with Pope Benedict XV. History buffs, please enjoy.

Couples say "I Do" Again

More than 40 couples gathered at Council Hall on Saturday, May 10 to say "I do" to their spouses all over again. The council hosted a Celebration of Marriage which featured a Mass and wedding vow renewal followed by a delicious prime-rib dinner and even wedding cake. Length of marriages for the couples attended varied widely, with several either approaching or surpassing the 50 year mark! Father Tony Dickerson presided at Mass, assisted by Rusty Phillips and Warren White

Thanks to Family Director and PGK Roland Lee and his wife, Linda, for leading the organization of the event. The hall was beautifully decorated thanks to members of our Ladies Auxiliary. The prime rib dinner with twice-baked potato and almond french-cut green beans were courtesy of Chef Steve Reker and his able crew of assistants, which included Corky Evers and Steve Horton. CLICK HERE to see the "wedding photos."

Thursday, May 8, 2008

6099 takes honors at State Convention

Holy Family Council 6099 left the Tennessee KofC Convention as one the most-decorated councils in the Volunteer State. GK Jason Randall, DGK Richard Buske, and FS Ron Schleifer were among the representatives who attended the convention where the council won a total of eight awards and honors. Council 6099 received the following:

  • Past State Deputy Award - For accomplishing at least eight ceremonial activities for the fraternal year
  • State Deputy Award - For completion of council administration requirements for the fraternal year
  • Membership Award - 4th highest membership total in the state
    MR Foundation, 3rd Place - For raising over $12,000 for programs that help people with mental disabilities
  • Chaplain's Award - For outstanding promotion of vocations and Eucharistic Adoration
  • Chase Wilson Award - For all-round outstanding council
  • Family Activity of the Year - For best family activity of the fraternal year, awarded for the Council's "Light Up for Christ" event in December
  • Bishops' Award - This is the most prestigious award given by the Tennessee State Council. The award was established to recognize councils that best promote awareness of membership, pro-life, church, family, youth, and work with the physically and mentally challenged. It is notable that there are a total of 82 KofC Councils in Tennessee, and only 7 councils received this award.

These awards are not possible without the participation of members like you! Thanks to everyone who helped make this fraternal year a big success!

The Caseys - a Legacy of Military Support

As we approach Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day, it's worth it to revisit the role that the Knights played in supporting our military, particularly during the Great War (World War I). The Knights served soldiers by establishing the K of C Huts, places of recreation and respite for troops where everyone was welcome, and everything was free. The brothers who ran those huts, many times putting themselves in great danger to support the troops, were called K of C Secretaries, who became affectionately known as "Caseys" by the soldiers (legendary Casey, "Uncle" Joe Kiernan, is pictured). Cigarettes, gum, footballs and boxing gloves -- things like that were the "weapons" of choice used by Casey men to fight the war.

There are some great resources on the internet that pay tribute to this contribution to American military history. Here are some links to just a few you may want to explore:

Take a look and be proud!

Knight of the Month/Family of the Month

Congratulations to Bo Smith, who was named Knight of the Month for April. Bo did some outstanding work in creating rosaries for our three supported seminarians. The Family of the Month this month is the family of Hector Acosta (pictured with two of his daughters at the recent Sacred Heart enthronment), who joined us this year and who has really turned his membership in the Knights into a family affair whenever possible. Thanks to both for exemplifying what it means to be a Knight!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Congratulations new Worthy Sirs from 6099

Five brothers from Council 6099 were inducted into the Fourth Section of the Order during the exemplification ceremony and celebration held at St. Stephen's Church on Saturday, May 3rd. In all, 17 were inducted in the ceremony, held in honor of current Vice Supreme Master of the Bienville Province, Sir Mike Horton.

The new Worthy Sirs from 6099 are: Ray Bertani, Tim Black (pictured with family being knighted by the District Master Bill Gunter), Wayne Collins, John DeLaune, and Bill Wood. CLICK HERE to see pictures from the events.

Sir Knights parade to honor our Armed Forces

Sir Knights from Fr. Ryan Assembly in Chattanooga and Fr. Wheland Assembly in Dalton, GA participated in Chattanooga's Armed Forces Day Parade on May 2. Thousands lined Market Street in downtown to honor the men and women who sacrifice for and serve our country in all branches of the armed services.

CLICK HERE to see the Worthy Sirs and other pictures from the parade.

Friday, May 2, 2008

First Fish Fry is a success!

Council 6099's first First Friday Fish Fry went off very well, with more than 70 people attending the event held in the OLPH parish life center. The KC Cooking Crew served up big helpings of fried catfish, hushpuppies, fries and slaw. The proceeds from the more than $400 raised will benefit the Tennessee Wheelchair Foundation, one of the Council's newest charitable benefactors. The Wheelchair Foundation raises funds to purchase wheelchairs for those in need who cannot afford one, and would be immobile without one. CLICK HERE to see pictures from the event.
Mark your calendar now for the next First Friday Fish Fry, scheduled for June 6, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the OLPH parish life center. Bring your friends and family to help out this worthy cause!
Thanks to Chefs Steve Reker and Min Jer Chin, along with Hector Acosta, Paul Blazek, Wayne Collins, Allen Greenwell, Larry McInturff, Jason Randall, Joe Reinert, Al Squillante, Isaac White, and Bill Woods.