Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Saluting -- and Supporting -- our Veterans

As we remember veterans who have served our country this month, take a moment to read how the Knights of Columbus have supported the military throughout the history of the order.  Click here.

Light Up for Christ on December 6

Yes, you're going to be busy over the holidays this year, so take some time up front to slow down, and take a bit to focus on the Reason for the Season!  Come to the 5th Annual Light Up for Christ Celebration December 6 at 7pm, at the Hall.  Chef Steve will prepare a great Chili Bar and the Ladies Auxiliary will provide a selection of delicious Holiday desserts!  There will be entertainment and activities for the kids as well.  And don't miss the official lighting ceremony of the Council tree and grotto at 8pm, done in conjunction with Knights of Columbus Councils the world over!  Everyone welcome. Everything free!  Bring the family and your friends for some pre-Christmas fun and get ready to celebrate!  Keep Christ in Christmas!  Click here to see pictures from last year's event.

6099 Collecting Coats for Kids

Holy Family Council 6099 is among five councils in Districts 14 and 15 that will again in the Coats for Kids Drive, sponsored by NewsChannel 9 and Wal Mart. Organizers of the promotion have a goal to collect at least 4,000 coats, which will be donated for children and adults in need who may not be able to afford coats for the winter. The Knights of Columbus are full partners in this event, and will act as the sole volunteers picking up coats from participating sponsors and cleaners.

Last year, the program brought in more than 3,000 coats and made a substantial impact in peoples lives. The following story is from a Salvation Army social worker:

"(After) picking up 25 coats earlier in the day, we were able to give 12 away within an hour after pick up. We assisted a family of 17 for utility assistance. They have 15 children and were in need of coats, so this could not have come at a better time!! I can't thank you enough for bringing so much joy to the family we assisted today. What perfect timing!!! "
That's what it's all about! This promotion continues through the end of the year. Look for posters, and TV announcements with the Knights of Columbus logo!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Golf Tournament a Success!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the John Knight/Don Cole benefit golf tournament on September 10 at Brainerd Golf Course. Thanks also to our sponsors who made the tournament possible.  More on the results of the money raised for the Notre Dame scholarship fund as we find out.  In the mean time, check out some photos from the event!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Council Officers Elected for 2011-12

The council approved a new slate of officers for the 2011-2012 fraternal year at the June business meeting. They are:

Elected Officers:
Grand Knight - Corky Evers
Deputy Grand Knight - Wayne Collins
Chancellor - John Vanucci
Warden - Tom Smelas
Recorder - Steve Horten
Treasurer - Earl Riecke
Advocate - Ray Fox, Jr.
Inside Gaurd - Willie Mahn
Outside Guard - Chuck Laplante
Trustee (3 year) - Victor Williams
Trustee (2 year) - Mike Doyle
Trustee (1 year) - Clarence Bodnar

Appointed Officers:
Chaplain - Fr. Gilbert Diaz
Financial Secretary - Ron Schleifer
Lecturer - Carl Labbe, Sr.

Congratulations to those elected and appointed and thanks for your service to the council.

Congratulations Knight, Family of the Month

Congratulations to Holy Family Council's Knight and Family of the Month for May. Knight of the Month is (now) Father Doug Owens, a 6099 Brother Knight who completed his seminary studies and was ordained to the priesthood on Memorial Day Weekend. Congratulations, Fr. Doug!

Family of the Month goes to John and Sharon Vanucci, tireless workers for the council and Ladie's Auxiliary, as well as for St. Stephen's parish. We thank all of those who go above and beyond to support the Order and the Church!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Council helps new mothers and babies in need through Ladies of Charity donation

Grand Knight Victor Williams presents a check for $1,200 to Pat Wright, director of the Ladies of Charity Layette Program. The program provides baby clothes, care items and more for new mothers in need. The funds donated from the council's Pro Life Fund to the program will provide essentials to dozens of mothers and babies. The council has distributed almost $3,000 to Pro Life causes in this fraternal year.

Knights March in the Armed Forces Day Parade

Check out the pictures from the Chattanooga Armed Forces Day Parade held on Market Street downtown on Friday, May 6. Worthy Sir Knights from Assemblies 1084 and 3250 also participated in the parade, which was a great way to show off one of the hundreds of Wheelchairs the Knights in Tennessee have contributed to the state's needy, disabled veterans. Click here to see pictures.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tennessee Knights distribute wheelchairs to veterans

The work we do to support our partnership with the American Wheelchair Mission continues to bear fruit for disabled veterans in need across the state. Click here to read a great feature article from the ET Catholic.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ten from 6099 step up to Fourth Degree

Congratulations to the 19 new Worthy Sir Knights that experienced the Fourth Degree exemplification at St. Stephen's Church on Saturday. The new Worthy Sirs from 6099 who joined Holy Family Assembly 3250 included: Bob Adney, Paul Blazek, Al Burzese, Mike Choquette, Jack Malek, Jerry Nunley, Jon Parkey, Rick Powell, and Mike Zema. We are proud of these men who turned up their commitment to their church and country by acscending to the patriotic degree of the order. The Fourth Degree of the order is open to any member in good standing who has been a third degree member for at least a year. If you missed the opportunity this time, there are more opportunities ahead! Brothers, step up your service! (picture by Worthy Sir Knight Mike Williams).

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Update from Brother Ray

Here's the latest from Brother Ray Powell, studying hard an Kenrick Glennon Seminary in Wisconsin:

Hello there! I hope you are all doing well! Because of my school duties and schedule, I will be unable to make it home for Easter this year. If you get the opportunity, please pass along to our brother Knights that I hope they have a grace-filled conclusion to Lent and a joyous, blessed Easter!! Things are going really well at school. The main focus of my studies this semester has been on Christian Ethics and Fundamental Theology, primarily focusing on the documents of Vatican II. It is challenging, but also a lot of fun. To be honest, even though we all consider it critically important to learn, I may be one of the few guys at school that actually has a blast studying Vatican II documents, heh. I will be attending summer classes at Sacred Heart in May/June, so will most likely be unable to make it back to Chattanooga until late-June and then I begin a parish assignment July 1st or so (whereabouts unknown at this time). So, I will probably not get much of a chance to be in Chattanooga anytime soon. However, I hope I get the chance to congratulate all the new 3rd and soon-to-be 4th degree knights in person at some point in the near future. I brag about council 6099 a lot, but I am not the only seminarian who is proud of their brother Knights back home who support our church, our nation, and our priests - and provide such a loving example of devotion-in-action to Jesus. I miss getting the chance to see everyone at our meetings and events, but please know that I keep you all in my prayers and hope you will do the same for me. I pray God will continue to shower His blessings upon all your works and efforts and keep you all in His loving arms, Ray Powell

Monday, January 10, 2011

News from the General Agency

If you were at the last business meeting, you saw some exciting information about the strength and stability of Knights of Columbus insurance program. If you haven't done so, you need to meet with our area agent, Stephen Regan, and let him give you a rundown of your current situation. Learn more about what KofC Insurance can offer in the way of security and peace-of-mind for you and your family. Check out the online Fall edition of the KofC Financial Beacon

Results matter: American Wheelchair Mission and KofC

With a new year comes more opportunity to continue to live up to the charge of the First Degree, that of Charity. Continuing into the new year is the Knights continued partnership with the American Wheelchair Mission. Holy Family Council has been instrumental in moving the statewide program forward to provide wheelchairs for veterans and others who can't afford the necessity of mobility to live as normal a life as possible. Read this article from the Tennessee Register about statewide Wheelchair program to see what's been accomplished so far, and what is coming up. Thanks to everyone who supports the council's Wheelchair Mission through working and supporting our monthly First Friday Fish Fries at OLPH.

Knights of Columbus mourn death of Judge John M. Roll, other victims in Tucson

Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson today expressed “profound sadness” at the shooting deaths of U.S. District Court Judge John M. Roll and five others in Tucson on Saturday. He asked the 1.8 million members of the Knights of Columbus and their families to pray for the recovery of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 12 other people who were seriously injured in the attack, and for the repose of the souls of those who died.

Judge Roll, who was the chief judge for the District of Arizona, was a Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus, and was a charter member of Deacon Raphael Longpre Council 10441, and a member of Msgr. Hughes Assembly 2392, both in Tucson. He had been a member of the Knights of Columbus for 24 years. Members of the Fourth Degree will provide an honor guard at his funeral next week.

“The senseless carnage in Tucson is a terrible tragedy for the victims, their families, the people of Arizona and people of good will everywhere,” Anderson said. “We feel a tremendous sense of loss at Judge Roll’s death, and for all, young and old, who lost their lives in this attack. We pray for God’s mercy on all who have been touched by this tragedy.”

“At a time like this, it is tempting to respond with anger, and for some, to attempt to use the tragedy to stoke the fires of division. That would only compound the tragedy,” Anderson continued. “As the late Senator Robert Kennedy said following the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., ‘What we need in the United States is not division . . . not violence or lawlessness, but love and wisdom and compassion toward one another.’ Judge Roll, a faithful Catholic who had just attended daily Mass before stopping to greet Rep. Giffords at her community meeting, was a dedicated public servant who understood this very well. Let us honor his life and service by embracing those qualities of ‘love and wisdom and compassion’.”

Video: One year later - Help For Haiti update

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Time to Kick Off Pork Loins for Pro Life

The Pro Life Pork Loin Sale is rolling around again just in time for Super Bowl Sunday! Beautiful, grilled five-pound seasoned pork loins, perfect for your party, are available for sale for only a $20 donation to the council Pro Life Fund. Clarence Bodnar will be in charge of the sale this year. Look out for sign-up forms after Masses at OLPH and St. Stephens, or you can call the hall to order at 899-9989. Also, help will be needed on Super Bowl weekend to season and grill. E-mail Clarence to let him know you can help and when.

Keeping Christ In Christmas

The "Keep Christ in Christmas" campaign this year kicked off with Light Up for Christ at the hall on December 7th. If you didn't make the 4th annual event, check out the pictures here. Nearly 100 folks gathered for a fun, family celebration of the start of Advent and the real Reason for the season. You may have also seen one of the two billboards erected by the council in Brainerd and East Ridge (the one pictured is above the Rib and Loin on Brainerd Road).

Coats for Kids wraps up!

The TV 9 Coats for Kids collection has officially wrapped up. The final numbers are not yet available, but at mid point in November, more than 1,000 coats had been collected! That's great news! Most all councils in Districts 12 & 13 participated in the drive. 16 brothers at 6099 stepped up to cover three Wal Mart locations and five dry cleaners. Thanks to collection team captains Brothers Ray Fox, Roland Lee and Mike Lucas who took charge of the Wal Marts and Brother Ray Bertani who handled the dry cleaner locations. Other participating brothers were: Allen Greenwell, Ken Stroop, Chuck Laplante, Mike Choquette, Moe Rivers, Terry Duffy, Bill Balsis, Rick Powell, and John Ryken. All of these brothers donated a lot of their holiday time to help collect coats! Final numbers will be available soon. Stay tuned!