Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tee Up for a Good Cause!

The annual Knight/Cole Golf Tournament is coming up! You need to be at Brainerd Golf Course on Saturday September 11 to have a great time playing golf to raise money for the 6099 Notre Dame Scholarship Fund. $85 a player includes lunch, cart, tee favors, beverages, etc. It's quite a deal for a great cause! All players will also receive a special 9/11 commemorative knife created especially for this tournament by Frost Cutlery. To enter a team, volunteer or become a sponsor, e-mail Ron Schleifer or call the hall and leave a message at 899-9989.

6099 monthly newsletter now online

Click here to read the August/September edition of the Council 6099 newsletter. We will try to leave these posted each month so you can have access to them at anytime. Get up to speed on important dates, inlcuding a complete local degree schedule for this fraternal year.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

MC Luau a Major Success, Mon!

If you missed the 8th Annual MC Luau last night, you missed a fantastic party! More than 100 revellers dressed for the islands participated in the live music, dancing, food and fun. If you didn't make it, click here to check out the pictures and see what you missed. This was the best crowd in the few years. Thanks to MC Director Ken Stroop and his crew of helpers, including the 6099 Ladies Auxiliary, who helped decorate and put on a whale of a tropical party! Stay tuned to find out how much we raised for the council's MC charities. THANKS TO ALL WHO ATTENDED AND CONTRIBUTED!

New Assembly is a GO!

Good news!! We currently have enough Form 4s to start the new 4th Degree Assembly in Chattanooga. Thanks to all the worthy sirs of 6099 who have stepped forward to help make this a reality! Please note: all new Form 4s will be turned over to our FS on Wednesday, August 11, for him to confirm Good Standing. Forms will then be given to the Faithful Navigator on Saturday, August 14, for him to sign and then hand carry to our District Master that day.

IF YOU WANT TO BE A CHARTER MEMBER, YOU MUST TURN IN YOUR COMPLETED FORM 4 TO VICTOR WILLIAMS BY TUESDAY, AUGUST 10. (E-mail Victor). After 8/10, transfers will be accepted, but you will NOT be a charter member. This is a very exciting step for our council! Thank you to all those who have helped make it a reality!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

MC Drive pays dividends for Signal Centers, other charities

Our next MC Tootsie Roll Drive will be at the Wal Mart on Gunbarrel Road on the weekend of August 20th. Last month, we raised nearly $4,000 in one weekend, bringing our total to more than $11,000 for the year so far. Please e-mail Kenn Stroop to volunteer, and make it a family affair! The money we raise goes to support our MC Charities -- Azuwer, Orange Grove and Signal Centers.

To give you an idea of how your volunteer hours pay off, click here to look at the pictures of the brand new playground created for children of all abilities recently dedicated by Signal Centers. Money donated by Council 6099 goes to support this project and many others that benefit children and adults with mental and physical challenges. The council was represented at the event by GK Victor Williams, Wayne Collins, Jim Costello and MC Director Kenn Stroop (pictured above with Signal Centers CEO Donna McConnico and Chattanooga Mayor Ron Littlefield).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Message from the Grand Knight

Good Day Brothers All

On behalf of the newly elected Officers of Council 6099, thank you. Thank you for your confidence in our desire to serve you and our council. Thank you in advance for your support this coming fraternal year; and most importantly, thank you for your prayers, that we may execute our offices to the glory of God.

Corky and I have made the commitment to have a monthly newsletter mailed out to you to keep you informed and therefore involved in your council – The Best Council in the State of TN! You can expect the coming month’s calendar of events, words of encouragement, invitations to service, and requests for updated contact information so we can continue to keep in touch with you.

For this month I would like to outline my focus for the coming year. I hope you will agree with me that these steps will help us build on the great success of our past and propel us to even greater success in the future.

6099 is counting on you for success 1 – 2 – 3

1. One new member every month. We have many great charitable projects and we need the men to make them successful, the more good men we have the more charitable projects we can tackle. I am not talking about –just a new member - I am talking about Good Catholic Men; someone like you. Someone who is involved in their family, their church and the community, these are the men we want.
2. Two Brothers at every function. Two men are better than one (to paraphrase Ecclesiastes 4:9). What task is not easier when two men tackle the job? Remember when you proposed a Brother Knight? When was the last time you brought a Brother Knight to a business meeting, social meeting or event? Pick your favorite Brother and get them to join us.
3. Three hours of service every month. We need all Brothers involved to make our project burdens light and to fulfill our call to service. Imagine what impact we would have on our community if every single Brother gave 3 hours a month to the Good Works of our Order. Consider these examples. 1 hour for a business meeting + a 2 hour MR drive shift = 3 hours a month and this is jut 2 days out of your month. How about 1 hour business meeting + 1 hour social + 1 hour faith night = 3 hours. 1 hour business meeting + 6 rosaries = 3 hours. You get the idea, and if you need more ideas just call me.

The best way to reach me to share your thoughts and ideas is on my cell phone or email. You all know how much I travel for work, but this means I always have my cell phone and computer close by. I look forward to see you all, involved, very soon.

Vivat Jesus

Victor Williams – GK 6099
423.645.0745, victor.williams@agilysys.com

Supreme Convention News

The 128th Supreme Convention is taking place this week in Washington DC with the theme "I am My Brother's Keeper". Click here to see the latest news, including links to the Supreme Knight's Annual Report, the winner of the Gaudiem et Spies Award, and info and photos from the Opening Mass. It's the next best thing to being there!

Interview with Supreme Knight Carl Anderson

Video interview with Supreme Knight Carl Anderson at the 128th Supreme Convention in Washington DC.

Luau for MC this Saturday!

It's Luau Time!! Pull out the cabana-wear and join your brother Knights and Ladies at the annual MC Luau this Saturday, 7p-?, at the Hall. Only $15 a ticket gets you access to LIVE music and delicious island-themed treats by Chef Steve. All proceeds raised will go to support our MC Charities - Signal Centers, Orange Grove Center, and Azuwer. So far, we have raised over $11,000 this year, and our goal is to set a record with over $20,000! YOU can help and have fun at the same time! Be there Saturday night!

Assembly ???? Needs YOU!

Council 6099 is on the verge of spinning off a new 4th Degree Assembly for our area. Are you 4th Degree? Then you should join! 23 Worthy Sirs of 6099 have turned in their new Form 4. That means we only need 7 more commitments in order to make the new assembly a reality! Be a part of something new and get your name on a charter! E-mail GK Victor Williams if you are interested

From the Agency

Click here to get the latest news on Knights of Columbus Insurance in the 3rd Quarter edition of The Beacon. If you have questions about your insurance, be sure to send an e-mail to General Agent Daniel Schachle. Make sure you are taking full advantage of the best fraternal benefit offered by the Order!