Friday, March 20, 2009

Knights are well-represented at Bishop's Ordination

Most Rev. Robert Stika was officially installed at the third Bishop of Knoxville in a Mass yesterday at the Knoxville Civic Center.  70+ 4th degree worthy sirs were there to participate in the honor gaurd, including VSM Mike Horton, the current and two former district masters, 3 district marshalls, and several purple and white capes.  Brother Seminarian Doug Owens served as the Bishops ring-bearer and our own Council Chaplain, Fr. Tony Dickerson, was master of ceremonies.  

Among the throng of bishops, priests and deacons, Church luminaries included Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia and Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the apostolic nuncio to the U.S.   

Great moments:  Before the procession in to the Mass, the bishop-elect breaks away from his official group to come over, greet and shake hands with the worthy sirs in the honor guard, introducing himself as a "Fourth Degree Knight." Also, the bishop gave a great endorsment for the Knights in his comments at the end the Mass.  He really seems proud of his association with the Order.   

from the Knoxville News Sentinal: CLICK HERE

, including our Chaplain, Fr. Tony:  CLICK HERE

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1 comment:

  1. Minor note: Justin Cardinal Rigali is the Archbishop of Philadelphia and Archbishop Pietro Sambi is the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
