Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Archbishop Kurtz joins Archbishop Dolan in heading Bishop's Conference

In a surprise vote today, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops elected New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan as president, and Archbishop of Louisville and former Bishop of Knoxville Joseph Kurtz as Vice President of the pastoral body. Click here to read several insightful articles about both Bishops as well as what to expect from the new leaders.

"God Drilled That Hole!"

Check out this story: turns out the mastermind behind the idea to rescue the trapped miners in Chile is training for the Diaconate AND a Brother Knight of Anton Frank Council 8771 in Houston. Click here to read his account of the miners rescue and the development of his idea to make it happen.

Monday, November 1, 2010

RIP Brother Darrell McKaig

Please pray for the respose of the soul of Brother Darrell McKaig, who passed away Saturday at his home. Visitation will be this Wednesday from 4-8pm at Chattanooga Funeral Home East Chapel, across from OLPH. Please remember his wife and family in your prayers as well.

"Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him."

Tempus Fugit. Momento Mori.

6099 Steps Up to collect Coats for Kids

6099 is among five councils in Districts 12 and 13 that will again in the Coats for Kids Drive, sponsored by NewsChannel 9 and Wal Mart. Organizers of the promotion have a goal to collect at least 4,000 coats, which will be donated for children and adults in need who may not be able to afford coats for the winter. The Knights of Columbus are full partners in this event, and will act as the sole volunteers picking up coats from participating sponsors and cleaners.

Last year, the program brought in more than 3,000 coats and made a substantial impact in peoples lives. The following story is from a Salvation Army social worker:

"(After) picking up 25 coats earlier in the day, we were able to give 12 away within an hour after pick up. We assisted a family of 17 for utility assistance. They have 15 children and were in need of coats, so this could not have come at a better time!! I can't thank you enough for bringing so much joy to the family we assisted today. What perfect timing!!! "

That's what it's all about! This promotion continues through the end of the year. Look for posters, and TV announcements with the Knights of Columbus logo!

First Friday Fish Fry is BACK!

First Friday Fish Fry returns to OLPH PLC this Friday, from 5:30-7:30pm. $6 all you can eat fish (baked or fried), with all the fixins (hushpuppies, cole slaw, fries and more), plus chees quesadillas for those up for another flava. Bring your family and friends! Proceeds will benefit the American Wheelchair Mission and Food for the Poor.

Congratulations new 3rd Degree Members

Six brothers of 6099 achieved the honors of full Knighthood Saturday October 30. Congratulations to Brothers Michael Choquette, Chris Neuhoff, Rick Powell, Jason T. Randall, John Ryken and Michael Zema. These six, plus 28 others, advanced to the 3rd Degree of the order at the exemplification hosted by Council 8576. Please welcome these brothers and continue to support and encourage their participation and growth in the Order. For those of you at First Degree, you will have a chance to make 2nd Degree on Monday, November 15 at the Hall. Degree time is 7pm, candidates arrive at 6:30.

MC Drive for November

The weekend of November 19 will be the last Drive to support the mentally/physically challenged. The drive will be held at Sam's Club Friday through Sunday. So far, the council has raised more than $22,000 this year for the Tennessee State MR Fund and our local charities, Orange Grove, Signal Centers and Azuwer. Thanks to all who participate! E-mail Kenn Stroop if you can volunteer.

Knight/Family of the Month and VIPs

Congratulations to Kenn Stroop, named Knight of the Month for October for his contributions to the advancement of the council and this year's MC Drive. Kudos also to the family of Jon Parkey, who was named the Family of the Month for October. Two members were recognized as members of the Order's VIP (Very Important Proposer) program - Brother Jason Randall, PGK and Brother George Bercaw. Both were recognized by Supreme Council for their achievement in bring new members into the Order.

Worthy Sir Knights connect with American History

It's not 1492, and it's not the ocean blue, but still members of Assemblies 1084 AND 3250 did manage get their pictures snapped with replicas of Christopher Columubus's ships, the Nina and Pinta. Both were docked at Ross's Landing in downtown Chattanooga on October 30. As you might imagine, Worthy Sir Knights in full regalia attract a lot of attention in public, and no one was more fascinated than the crews of both ships, who invited everyone aboard to pose with them. The ships and crews, now on a tour of the U.S. that will take them up the coast and all the way to the Great Lakes, are sponsored by the Columbus Foundation in Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Click here to see pictures!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

9/11 Memorial Collectors Knives now for sale

Check out these CUSTOM KofC Knives produced especially for Council 6099 by Frost Cutlery! These were created for our 20th anniversary golf tournament held last month on Septemeber 11th and also as a memorial to the 10th anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Centers. The blade is inscribed on both sides -- one side with KofC 20th Annual Golf Tournament and other "In Memory of those lost on 9/11". These are real collectors items! You can purchase one of these high-quality lock blade memorial knives now for only $10. They are a $20 value, so that's quite a deal! Email Ron Schleifer or call the hall at 899-9989. You can buy them at the regular business meeting or monthly social, as well.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Columbus Day: Celebrating our Order's patron:

From Supreme Knight Carl Anderson:

At the time of our Order’s founding, anti-Catholic sentiment in the United States continued to marginalize Catholics and Catholic immigrants simply because of their faith.

As a result, in 1882, our founder, Father Michael J. McGivney, and our first Supreme Knight, James Mullen, chose the name “Knights of Columbus” because the explorer was a Catholic who was nonetheless universally regarded as a national hero.

By taking the name of Columbus, the Knights were able to remind the entire country of the Catholic roots of the New World, and to highlight the fact that faithful Catholics could also be good citizens, a fact that few would question today.

We ask God to grant eternal rest to Christopher Columbus, and take pride in the fact that in naming our organization for him, we helped to establish the now widely-accepted principle that every nation should always accept and honor the contributions of all its citizens, whatever their background, and wherever they come from.
VIDEO: Watch Christopher Columubus: Faithful Christ Bearer. Click here to view.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Holy Family Assembly 3250 installs new officers, hosts dinner

Holy Family Assembly 3250 held it's first officer installation and fundraising social on October 3 at the hall. More than 60 worthy sir knights and guests were on hand for the cermony, which was followed by a special dinner. Guests included District Master Bill Gunter, State Secretary Mike Wills, and former Vice Supreme Master Mike Horton. Clarence Bodnar will serve as the first Faithful Navigator. For all of our brothers languishing at 3rd degree, you'll have a chance to join the new assembly in April at the area's 4th degree exemplification.

Golf tournament another great success!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the John Knight/Don Kohl Golf Tournament on September 11. We were blessed with a beautiful day and a lot of happy golfers! Tournament Chairman Ron Schleifer reports that the tournament raised a total of $10,741 dollars to support our Notre Dame Scholarship Fund and other council activities. Also, many thanks to all of our sponsors and volunteers who helped put on a great tournament!

October Knight and Family of the Month

Congratulations to our Family of the Month, the Roland Lee family, as well as the Knight of the Month, Fr. Augustine Idra, student chaplain at Notre Dame High School. Thanks to Fr. Idra and the Lee family for their service to the council and community!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tee Up for a Good Cause!

The annual Knight/Cole Golf Tournament is coming up! You need to be at Brainerd Golf Course on Saturday September 11 to have a great time playing golf to raise money for the 6099 Notre Dame Scholarship Fund. $85 a player includes lunch, cart, tee favors, beverages, etc. It's quite a deal for a great cause! All players will also receive a special 9/11 commemorative knife created especially for this tournament by Frost Cutlery. To enter a team, volunteer or become a sponsor, e-mail Ron Schleifer or call the hall and leave a message at 899-9989.

6099 monthly newsletter now online

Click here to read the August/September edition of the Council 6099 newsletter. We will try to leave these posted each month so you can have access to them at anytime. Get up to speed on important dates, inlcuding a complete local degree schedule for this fraternal year.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

MC Luau a Major Success, Mon!

If you missed the 8th Annual MC Luau last night, you missed a fantastic party! More than 100 revellers dressed for the islands participated in the live music, dancing, food and fun. If you didn't make it, click here to check out the pictures and see what you missed. This was the best crowd in the few years. Thanks to MC Director Ken Stroop and his crew of helpers, including the 6099 Ladies Auxiliary, who helped decorate and put on a whale of a tropical party! Stay tuned to find out how much we raised for the council's MC charities. THANKS TO ALL WHO ATTENDED AND CONTRIBUTED!

New Assembly is a GO!

Good news!! We currently have enough Form 4s to start the new 4th Degree Assembly in Chattanooga. Thanks to all the worthy sirs of 6099 who have stepped forward to help make this a reality! Please note: all new Form 4s will be turned over to our FS on Wednesday, August 11, for him to confirm Good Standing. Forms will then be given to the Faithful Navigator on Saturday, August 14, for him to sign and then hand carry to our District Master that day.

IF YOU WANT TO BE A CHARTER MEMBER, YOU MUST TURN IN YOUR COMPLETED FORM 4 TO VICTOR WILLIAMS BY TUESDAY, AUGUST 10. (E-mail Victor). After 8/10, transfers will be accepted, but you will NOT be a charter member. This is a very exciting step for our council! Thank you to all those who have helped make it a reality!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

MC Drive pays dividends for Signal Centers, other charities

Our next MC Tootsie Roll Drive will be at the Wal Mart on Gunbarrel Road on the weekend of August 20th. Last month, we raised nearly $4,000 in one weekend, bringing our total to more than $11,000 for the year so far. Please e-mail Kenn Stroop to volunteer, and make it a family affair! The money we raise goes to support our MC Charities -- Azuwer, Orange Grove and Signal Centers.

To give you an idea of how your volunteer hours pay off, click here to look at the pictures of the brand new playground created for children of all abilities recently dedicated by Signal Centers. Money donated by Council 6099 goes to support this project and many others that benefit children and adults with mental and physical challenges. The council was represented at the event by GK Victor Williams, Wayne Collins, Jim Costello and MC Director Kenn Stroop (pictured above with Signal Centers CEO Donna McConnico and Chattanooga Mayor Ron Littlefield).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Message from the Grand Knight

Good Day Brothers All

On behalf of the newly elected Officers of Council 6099, thank you. Thank you for your confidence in our desire to serve you and our council. Thank you in advance for your support this coming fraternal year; and most importantly, thank you for your prayers, that we may execute our offices to the glory of God.

Corky and I have made the commitment to have a monthly newsletter mailed out to you to keep you informed and therefore involved in your council – The Best Council in the State of TN! You can expect the coming month’s calendar of events, words of encouragement, invitations to service, and requests for updated contact information so we can continue to keep in touch with you.

For this month I would like to outline my focus for the coming year. I hope you will agree with me that these steps will help us build on the great success of our past and propel us to even greater success in the future.

6099 is counting on you for success 1 – 2 – 3

1. One new member every month. We have many great charitable projects and we need the men to make them successful, the more good men we have the more charitable projects we can tackle. I am not talking about –just a new member - I am talking about Good Catholic Men; someone like you. Someone who is involved in their family, their church and the community, these are the men we want.
2. Two Brothers at every function. Two men are better than one (to paraphrase Ecclesiastes 4:9). What task is not easier when two men tackle the job? Remember when you proposed a Brother Knight? When was the last time you brought a Brother Knight to a business meeting, social meeting or event? Pick your favorite Brother and get them to join us.
3. Three hours of service every month. We need all Brothers involved to make our project burdens light and to fulfill our call to service. Imagine what impact we would have on our community if every single Brother gave 3 hours a month to the Good Works of our Order. Consider these examples. 1 hour for a business meeting + a 2 hour MR drive shift = 3 hours a month and this is jut 2 days out of your month. How about 1 hour business meeting + 1 hour social + 1 hour faith night = 3 hours. 1 hour business meeting + 6 rosaries = 3 hours. You get the idea, and if you need more ideas just call me.

The best way to reach me to share your thoughts and ideas is on my cell phone or email. You all know how much I travel for work, but this means I always have my cell phone and computer close by. I look forward to see you all, involved, very soon.

Vivat Jesus

Victor Williams – GK 6099
423.645.0745, victor.williams@agilysys.com

Supreme Convention News

The 128th Supreme Convention is taking place this week in Washington DC with the theme "I am My Brother's Keeper". Click here to see the latest news, including links to the Supreme Knight's Annual Report, the winner of the Gaudiem et Spies Award, and info and photos from the Opening Mass. It's the next best thing to being there!

Interview with Supreme Knight Carl Anderson

Video interview with Supreme Knight Carl Anderson at the 128th Supreme Convention in Washington DC.

Luau for MC this Saturday!

It's Luau Time!! Pull out the cabana-wear and join your brother Knights and Ladies at the annual MC Luau this Saturday, 7p-?, at the Hall. Only $15 a ticket gets you access to LIVE music and delicious island-themed treats by Chef Steve. All proceeds raised will go to support our MC Charities - Signal Centers, Orange Grove Center, and Azuwer. So far, we have raised over $11,000 this year, and our goal is to set a record with over $20,000! YOU can help and have fun at the same time! Be there Saturday night!

Assembly ???? Needs YOU!

Council 6099 is on the verge of spinning off a new 4th Degree Assembly for our area. Are you 4th Degree? Then you should join! 23 Worthy Sirs of 6099 have turned in their new Form 4. That means we only need 7 more commitments in order to make the new assembly a reality! Be a part of something new and get your name on a charter! E-mail GK Victor Williams if you are interested

From the Agency

Click here to get the latest news on Knights of Columbus Insurance in the 3rd Quarter edition of The Beacon. If you have questions about your insurance, be sure to send an e-mail to General Agent Daniel Schachle. Make sure you are taking full advantage of the best fraternal benefit offered by the Order!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Council installs new officers, recognizes award winners.

The council celebrated the beginning of a new fraternal year on July 10 with the installation of new officers and awards for outstanding brothers during the previous fraternal year. Nearly 50 brothers and wives were in attendance. New officers for the year are:
  • Grand Knight - Victor Williams
  • Deputy Grand Knight - Corky Evers
  • Chancellor - Wayne Collins
  • Warden - John Vanucci
  • Recorder - Steve Horton
  • Financial Secretary - Ron Schleifer
  • Advocate - Ray Fox Jr.
  • Treasurer - Earl Riecke
  • Lecturer - Carl Labbe Sr.
  • Inside Guards: Joe Salamone, Chuck LaPlante
  • Outside Guards: Tom Smelas, Will Mahn
  • Trustees: Clarence Bodnar, Jason Randall, Mike Doyle
Fr. Gilbert Diaz will serve another term as Chaplain.
Recognition was given to outstanding Knights in the past fraternal year. The winners were:
  • John Vanucci - Knight of the Year
  • Victor & Elaine Williams - Family of the Year
  • Kenn Stroop - The Stumpy Award winner
Click here to see pictures.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

You're Invited - Installation & Awards Banquet this Saturday!

This Saturday night, July 10, the new officers for the 2010/2011 fraternal year will be installed at the annual Installation Dinner and Awards Banquet, which will begin with social hour at 6p and dinner at 7p. Not only will officers be installed, but also we will find who will be Knight of the Year, Family of the Year, and the latest recipient of the STUMPY! Just so you know, your steak dinner for you and a guest will be FREE! All you have to do is RSVP! Just e-mail Victor Williams at victor.williams@agilysys.com.

As a reminder, our roster of officers of the new year is as follows:
  • Grand Knight - Victor Williams
  • Deputy Grand Knight - Corky Evers
  • Chancellor - Wayne Collins
  • Warden - John Vanucci
  • Recorder - Steve Horten
  • Treasurer - Earl Reicke
  • Advocate - Ray Fox, Jr.
  • Inside Guards - Chuck LaPlante, Joe Salamone
  • Outside Guards - Tom Smelas, Will Mahn
  • Trustee Year 1 - Mike Doyle
  • Trustee Year 2 - Jason Randall
  • Trustee Year 3 - Clarence Bodnar

Friday, May 21, 2010

UPDATE: Time for Brother Doug's Ordination

Doug Owens Diaconate ordination Mass will take place at 10am on June 5, at OLPH, not 11a as originally reported.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Officer Nominations for the 2010-11 Fraternal Year

Officer nominees for the 2010-2011 fraternal year have been announced. Elections will be held a the June business meeting. Please make plans to attend and vote. The nominees are:
  • Grand Knight - Victor Williams
  • Deputy Grand Knight - Corky Evers
  • Chancellor - Wayne Collins
  • Warden - John Vanucci
  • Recorder - Steve Horten
  • Treasurer - Earl Reicke
  • Advocate - Ray Fox, Jr.
  • Inside Guards - Chuck LaPlante, Joe Salamone
  • Outside Guards - Tom Smelas, Will Mahn
  • Trustee Year 1 - Mike Doyle
  • Trustee Year 2 - Jason Randall
  • Trustee Year 3 - Clarence Bodnar

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Have a good time for Ghana!

Looking for a good time for a good cause on May 15? Grab a date and go to St. Stephen's church for a dinner and live concert in support of the Ghana Medical Mission. Enjoy dinner at 7p, with live music from the band JB and the Honey Bees from 7:30-9, cash bar and silent auction. $25/couple, $15/singles, but you gotta be at least 21 to go. RSVP by May 9 please to 421-6171. Call Leslie Fox for tickets at 314-5227 ro Roland Lee at 499-3045. Question? Fr. John Appia can help at 329-0202.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

6099 Scores Awards at State Convention

Council 6099 brought back a good deal of bling from the 107th State Convention held in Nashville April 30-May2. Awards garnered by the council were:
  • State Deputy Award for completion of all council requirments for the year
  • Program Presentation Award, for outstanding presentation of annual council activities (only 8 of 89 councils received this honor).
  • MR (MC) Fund, 2nd Place, for raising more than $16,000 last year, just about $2,000 short of first place!
  • Bishops' Award, the most prestigious state award. Only 11 councils out of 89 received this honor.

Congratulations and THANKS to those who contributed to the council's success this year. When we are successful, are churches and communities are more successful, too. Thanks for all you do!

Pray the Rosary in May!

May is a Marian month, a month dedicated to the Blessesd Mother. There is no better way to celebrate the month than by praying the Rosary. All brother Knights and their families are encouraged to pray the HOLY ROSARY at St. Stephen's Church Sunday Mass during the month of May. Celebrate our Blessed Mother and come to know the mysteries of Christ by praying together with your family and other parishoners.

Pope John Paul II called the Rosary “a prayer of great significance, destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness.” As Knights, we are called to participate and help promote this most important and beneficial Catholic devotion. If you would like to help lead the Rosary at either parish, your help is needed. To volunteer, click here to e-mail Warren White.

Brother Richard Buske named District Deputy

Soon to be Past Grand Knight, Richard Buske, was appointed District Deputy for District 13 by the incoming Tennessee State Deputy. Brother Richard inherits the position from Bill Markiewicz, who is stepping aside after two years of service. The new Worthy DD will cover 6099, as well as councils in Cleveland, Athens and Dayton.

Membership - Just 11 short of quota for the year!

The fraternal year is closing fast, but it's not too late to invite a man to be a Knight! We just need 11 new members to meet our quota for the year. With two first degree exemplifications left on the calendar, WE CAN DO DIS! Your plan: attend Mass and church events, where a shirt, a button, your emblem of the Order pin, something to identify you as a Knight. Then, ASK! There are prospects everywhere, and the biggest reason no one joins is that they are not asked. And don't you want ALL Cathlolic Gentlemen to live " the Exerience of a Lifetime?" When you have prospects, have them fill out an interest card, or just get their name, phone number and e-mail address, then contact Membership Director Jim Costello.

FYI, next First Degree is May 16 at 2pm at the hall. Candidates should arrive by 1:30p.

Vocations Update: Doug Owens Diaconate on June 5

Doug Owens, one of three seminarians supported by 6099, will be ordained to the Diaconate on June 5 at OLPH at a Mass beginning (allegedly) at 10a. Please make plans to attend so we can celebrated Brother Doug's awesome achievement he's earned after years of hard work! We will need assistants to help that day starting at 9a, to help set up tables and chairs for the lunch following, as well as help manning the buffet. Please e-mail Joe Reinert if you can help.

NOTE: Speaking of seminarian support, we will hold a Can Crunch this Saturday May 8 starting at 9am in back of the gym. REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR CANS! Aluminum cans raise money for the council seminarian fund.

MC Tootsie Roll Drives continue

Our fundraising drive for the Mentally Challenged continues this month on the weekend of the 14th. The next Tootsie Roll fundraiser will be at the Wal Mart on Gunbarrel Road each Friday through Sunday. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Please e-mail Ken Stroop to volunteer. Families are more than than welcome to help! Last month's drive at Wal Mart in Ooltewah raised more than $2,800 and we can do even better! MC funds support Orange Grove, Signal Centers and AzUWer.

Knight/Family of the Month

Congratulations to Ken Stroop being named Knight of the Month for April for his work organizing the MC Drive. Family of the Month is the Brett Johnson family. Please congratulate our worthy brothers and thank them for their hard work.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Weigel slams media treatment of Pope, Church

(Catholic News Agency) In an article published on Monday, noted Catholic scholar George Weigel condemned the recent media treatment of Pope Benedict XVI, particularly by the New York Times, as part of a larger agenda to take “the Church down” and discredit its moral authority. Read More...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bishop Stika Sticks up for the Church

Knoxville, Tenn., Mar 11, 2010 (CNA).- The recent distribution of Anti-Catholic tracts in a Tennessee town constituted “reprehensible acts of prejudice and hatred” by people who were ignorant of true Catholic teaching, the Bishop of Knoxville has said.

Copies of a Chick Publications tract titled “The Death Cookie” were being distributed in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. by members of Conner Heights Baptist Church. The 1988 cartoon tract claims that the Church was founded by the Devil and that Catholics worship a “wafer god.”

A student upset about the tract discussed it with Fr. Jay Flaherty on March 3, the Diocese of Knoxville said. The priest then contacted the diocesan chancellor, who in turn informed Bishop Richard F. Stika about the material. Read more...

Knights Win Pledge of Allegiance Case in Court

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA) -- The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today that the words "one nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance "do not violate the Establishment Clause" of the First Amendment to the Constitution.

The Knights of Columbus led the campaign to add the words "under God" to the Pledge in the early 1950s, and the trial court agreed to allow the Knights of Columbus to join the present case as defendants when it was originally filed in 2005.

"This decision is a victory for common sense," Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson said. "It is also a welcome reversal of the Ninth Circuit's 2002 decision in a similar case that was ultimately thrown out by the Supreme Court on technical grounds. Today, the Court got it absolutely right: recitation of the Pledge is a patriotic exercise, not a religious prayer. Read more...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Message from the Supreme Knight: Abortion Funding Showdown, Action Needed Now!

March 8, 2010

Worthy State Deputy:

The debate on health care legislation has now reached its final and most critical stage, with final votes expected in Congress within the next two weeks.

The legislation is being fast-tracked through Congress using a rare parliamentary maneuver known as "reconciliation." This procedure will push the bill through Congress over the objections of a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House of Representatives that wants to remove abortion funding from the bill.

Very soon the House will be asked vote on a Senate bill containing provisions that would overturn the thirty-year federal policy against tax-dollar funding of abortion. If the Senate bill is approved by the House, it goes immediately to the President's desk and will be enacted into law. A second "reconciliation" bill will then be voted on by both houses to make changes to the new law. These changes will not amend the abortion mandates enacted through the Senate bill.

The American Catholic bishops oppose the Senate bill, calling it "deficient" because it contains multiple pro-abortion provisions and federal subsidies for abortion. It allows for federal dollars to flow to abortion providers in community health centers; it allows for federal subsidies for overall health plans that cover abortion. Lastly, it provides no conscience protection for those who refuse to participate in abortion.

A bipartisan group of lawmakers, including brother Knight Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI), is working to ensure that health care legislation contains language that would ban abortion funding. They need the support of brother Knights from across the United States.

I urge you to encourage every Knight in your state to contact their representatives in Congress. Ask them to go to the Knights of Columbus homepage at www.kofc.org for instructions on contacting Congress.

Your immediate action is critical. If the Senate bill becomes law, it will be the largest expansion of abortion in our country since Roe v. Wade.


Carl A. Anderson

Supreme Knight

Third Degree Exemplification is March 20th

The next Third Degree exemplification is March 20, 10 a.m. at St. Stephen's Church. If you are still languishing at Second Degree, it's time for you to take the next step to FULL Knighthood. If you are a proposer of a brother still at Second Degree, it is your duty to encourage them to take the next degree. It is important that ALL brothers complete the journey to full Knighthood xo they can take full advantage of the benefits the Order offers. Proposers, please be sure to have your candidate at the church by 9:30 a.m.

Dominican Sisters to return to Notre Dame this fall

Bishop Richard F. Stika has announced that three Dominican Sisters will serve at Notre Dame High School in Chattanooga, beginning in fall 2010.

The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, headquartered in Nashville, are a teaching order. The congregation—also called the Nashville Dominicans—will celebrate the 150th anniversary of its founding later this year. Read more...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Erin Go Braugh at the St. Patty's Party on March 13

Thinking about bustin' out of the winter doldrums? There's no better time that March 13! You and your date are invited to 6099 Erin Go Braugh St. Patty's O'BASH, at the hall, starting at 6pm. Get your Irish on with delightful Irish fare prepared by Chef Steve O'Reker. Hit the floor and get jiggy with it to the music of D.J. O'Jan and Plum O'Krazy Band. There will be even TOO much to do to have a great time. And, at $10 a head, how can you go wrong? This is a COUNCIL fundraiser, so if you can possibly make it, please plan to be there!

This derserves a response from every Knight

I can't let this one get by without spreading it around for the greater good of the Church. Read and respond to this series of stories at American Papist

New blog added: Fr. Jim's weekly homilies from OLPH

We are priviledged to offer you a frequently updated compendium of homilies from Fr. Jim Vick at OLPH. Just look in the Other Catholic Blogspots down at the bottom of the page and you will find it there (look for "OLPH Fr. Jim Homilies").

Supreme Website updated. Check it out.

You'll like the changes on the Supreme Website. It has a slick, new look and it's much, much easier to find what you need. Check it out: www.kofc.org.

Be vigilant and informed re: health reform.

Great article by Katherine Jean Lopez regarding the current state of proposed public funding of abortion in health reform legislation. Don't be fooled, she warns, and do what you can to take action to strip these abominable measures from any legislation.

"The Democratic leadership in Washington wants you to believe that the bishops of the Roman Catholic Church are trying to create a theocracy and reverse Roe v. Wade..."
She states the rest of her case here.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Important Degree Dates!

The next First Degree exemplification will be held at the 6099 hall on Sunday, February 21 at 2p. Candidates and proposers, please arrive at the hall by 1:30p. On the heels of that, Council 8576 will host Second Degree on Sunday, March 7 at 2p (candidates arrive at 1:30. Third Degree exemplification will be held on Saturday, March 20 at 10a at 6099 hall (candidates arrive by 9:30). If you haven't made all your degrees, or you know a brother who hasn't, please encourage them to attend the appropriate exemplification. You can find these dates and dates of other important council events on the calendar below.

What are you doing for Lent?

Another Lenten season is upon us. Do yourself a favor by adding an event to your usual activities that will draw you closer to Christ during this time of reflection and repentance. One such opportunity is Stations of the Cross. You can take advantage of this devotion at St. Stephens every Friday during Lent at 6:30p. Even better, you can sign up to lead the Stations one Friday night. E-mail Bro. Warren White to sign up. You can also attend Stations at OLPH starting every Friday evening at 7pm.

FRIDAY FISH FRIES: 6099 will once again host a fish fry dinner every Friday evening during Lent starting at 5:30p, starting February 26. Come enjoy all you can eat fish and fixins for just $6, proceeds benefiting the American Wheelchair Mission.

Pro Life Pork Loin Sale a Success!

Thanks to Pro Life Director Clarence Bodnar for putting together a very successful pork loin sale this year! The council sold nearly 240 pork loins, with a lot of folks taking advantage of some of Chef Steve's extras (like mashed potatoes and gravy and chicken strips). Thanks to everyone who bought a pork loin, sold a pork loin and helped with the seasoning, grilling, bagging, etc. Also thanks to the Ladies Auxiliary for putting together a tremendous bake sale to go along with it. Click here to see some pictures of the Super Sunday grill and pickup day.

Interested in the contents of the new missal?

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The new English translation of the Roman Missal might not be in U.S. parishes for as long as two years, but Father Rick Hilgartner hopes Catholics are talking about it now.

Mention of the upcoming changes in the prayers at Mass might come in the occasional bulletin insert, in adult religious education classes or Bible study groups or in a homily at Mass, said the associate director of the U.S. bishops' Secretariat of Divine Worship in Washington.

"Anything to heighten people's awareness," Father Hilgartner added in a Feb. 2 interview with
Catholic News Service.

Click here to see the rest of the article. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has created a great website that will give you some really good background on the new edition and even a sneak peak at some of the updated language. Click here to see it.

See the State Council Newsletter

The latest newsletter from the Tennessee State Council is online. Click here to read it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 22: If you can't go to the March for Life, here's the next best thing

From Americans United for Life, check out this virtual way to add yourself to the March for Life this Friday:

"Last Friday, we launched the first Virtual March for Life to make sure your voice is heard as the real March for Life kicks off this Friday, January 22nd, here in Washington, DC. If you are unable to join fellow Americans in Washington, DC you can still stand and be counted by going to VirtualMarchforLife.com now.

"It's very easy to do and will only take seconds.
Go to this website, choose an avatar for yourself and then we will place “you” in front of the U.S. Capitol building alongside other Americans marching online.

"With a health care bill that includes taxpayer funding for abortion hanging in the balance, this is an important, historic opportunity to get the attention of politicians in Washington. In this critical moment, every American must be heard regardless of where you are. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are coming to Washington, DC to join the most important March for Life in history, and you can be there through the Virtual March for Life!"

Why cook for Super Bowl Sunday? Order your PRO LIFE Pork Loin now!

The 10th annual 6099 Pro-Life Pork Loin sale is on! You can get a barbequed boneless pork long hot off the grill in time for the game on Super Bowl Sunday! Only $20 for a prepared pork loin, with gravy for $2 and, a new offering, MASHED POTATOS for just $2 and fried chicken strips for $3. You can place your order on the signup sheets available after each Mass at OLPH and St. Stephen's, or you can call Clarence Bodnar at the hall at 899-9989 and leave your order.

Orders can be picked up on Sunday, February 7 (SUPER SUNDAY) between 12n and 5p at the hall. While you're there, pick up some fresh-baked desserts by the Ladies Auxiliary! ALL proceeds benefit the Holy Family Council Pro Life Fund. Tell your friends to order one (or more!) and SUPPORT PRO-LIFE!

Notre Dame Scholarship Applications Available

Are you an active Brother Knight in good standing with the council? Do you have a child eligible to attend Notre Dame High School? Then you should apply for the Holy Family Council Notre Dame Scholarship program. One student will recieve a $3,000 merit-based scholarship ($750 annually, based on good academic standing). Click here to download the application form. Deadline for application is March 31.

From the Agency Department | Fraternal Compass

Looking to learn about the advantages of fixed annuities, or looking for a career change? General Agent Daniel Schachle brings you the latest edition of Fraternal Compass magazine online. Click here to check it out (Adobe PDF).

Also, if you're feeling a little more than beat up lately from the ups and downs of the stock market, you may be interested in a guaranteed tax-deferred annuity from KofC Insurance. Click here to learn more.

From Supreme Council: Information on Haiti Relief

To All Knights of Columbus:

In an effort to come to the aid of the people of Haiti, who are suffering a humanitarian catastrophe of huge proportions in the wake of Tuesday evening's 7.0 earthquake, the Knights of Columbus has today sent an immediate contribution of $50,000 to Catholic Relief Services, and we invite Knights to make contributions through the Supreme Council so that we can maximize the impact of the funds raised, and document the amount donated in this tragedy by members of the Order.

Donations by individual Knights can be made on line, and this feature should be available on the Supreme Council website (www.kofc.org) by later this evening. Checks should be made out to Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. and mailed to 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510. Please write "Haiti Earthquake Relief" on the memo line of the check.

Contributions will be used to provide assistance wherever it can have the most immediate impact, and where the need is greatest.

We ask all Knights and their families to also offer their prayers for the victims of this terrible disaster.