Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Take it up a notch -- go FOURTH Degree!

On February 22, 1900, the first Fourth Degree exemplification or degree ceremony was held in New York City. The Fourth Degree imparts a lesson on the virtue of patriotism. The primary purpose of this degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism in members and the community at large and encourage active Catholic citizenship. Today there are some 300,000 Fourth Degree Knights out of the total 1.6 million member Knights of Columbus.  Click here to find out more about the 4th Degree.

If you are a Third Degree Knight in good standing and have been a member of the order for at least a year, you are eligible to take your service to the Church and community up a notch by joining the 4th Degree.  You can join more than 200 other area Worthy Sir Knights who have joined Father Patrick J. Ryan Assembly 1084.  Saturday, May 16, will be the 4th Degree exemplification, held at St. Stephen's Church.  If you are interested in going to the next level of Knighthood, contact Richard Buske, Faithful Navigator, by calling 423-877-5946.  Or click here to e-mail.

Political Obligations of Catholics - Archbishop Chaput

In his recent book Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life, (2008), the Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, archbishop of Denver, argues that Catholics should take an active, vocal and morally consistent role in public debates, particularly on issues such as abortion, the death penalty and other matters they consider central to social justice. How should members of the Catholic Church, especially elected officials, balance their religious beliefs and obligations with their political priorities? And what should we expect from Catholic leaders with respect to the policy decisions of President Barack Obama and those of future administrations?

To discuss these issues, the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life invited Archbishop Chaput, who was appointed by Pope John Paul II in 1997 and who is the first Native American archbishop to be ordained in the U.S.  CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Excellent quote regarding President Obama's Notre Dame address


"This is a highly cynical act, contemptuous of the Church’s prophetic voice in civil society and wagering that there will be no retribution. If a midwestern school seeks attention by granting Mr. Obama an honorary doctorate in law, the next logical step would be to grant Judas Iscariot posthumously an honorary doctorate in business administration."

— Fr. George W. Rutler is a Catholic priest in New York.

Read more comments on this topic from National Review's online symposium: CLICK HERE

Sunday, March 22, 2009

More legislative mischief in Connecticut

From the anti-religion legislators that sponsored the bill attacking the hierarchy of the Church in Connecticut comes a new bill attempting to ram the concept of assisted suicide down the state's collective throat.  Fortunately, due to another organized outcry of protest from Catholics, the bill has been tabled before it could be reviewed in a hastily arranged hearing. However, the bill is still a threat for 2010. You should know more, because more states are beginning to push for this sort of evil.  Find out more and get some great educational background materials from the KofC Website:  CLICK HERE.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Knights are well-represented at Bishop's Ordination

Most Rev. Robert Stika was officially installed at the third Bishop of Knoxville in a Mass yesterday at the Knoxville Civic Center.  70+ 4th degree worthy sirs were there to participate in the honor gaurd, including VSM Mike Horton, the current and two former district masters, 3 district marshalls, and several purple and white capes.  Brother Seminarian Doug Owens served as the Bishops ring-bearer and our own Council Chaplain, Fr. Tony Dickerson, was master of ceremonies.  

Among the throng of bishops, priests and deacons, Church luminaries included Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia and Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the apostolic nuncio to the U.S.   

Great moments:  Before the procession in to the Mass, the bishop-elect breaks away from his official group to come over, greet and shake hands with the worthy sirs in the honor guard, introducing himself as a "Fourth Degree Knight." Also, the bishop gave a great endorsment for the Knights in his comments at the end the Mass.  He really seems proud of his association with the Order.   

from the Knoxville News Sentinal: CLICK HERE

, including our Chaplain, Fr. Tony:  CLICK HERE

OWLOAD THE SPECIAL EDITION OF THE ET CATHOLIC and look for the 6099 ad in section 3: CLICK HERE then scroll down to see links to all four sections.

Friday, March 13, 2009

On totalitarian tendencies -- George Cardinal Pell

"Believers should not be treated by government and the courts as a tolerated and divisive minority whose rights must always yield to the minority secular agenda, especially when religious people are overwhelmingly in the majority. The opportunity to contribute to community and public good is a right of all individuals and groups, including religious ones. The application of laws within democracies should facilitate the broadening of these opportunities, not their increasing constraint." -- Cardinal George Pell, Prelate of Australia. READ MORE.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Government Intrusion into the Catholic Church

The state of Connecticut is overreaching it's hand regarding the free exercise of religion, guaranteed by the first amendment to the Constitution. The state legislature proposed a bill that would force parishes to appoint a lay committee to control parish finances, essentially taking priests and bishops out of the loop. YOU SHOULD CARE ABOUT THIS, because if it can happen there, it can happen here. Read more about this extraordinary bit of un-Americanism directed SOLELY at the Catholic Church: Click here to visit the official KofC "legislative attack" web page. Click here to read Supreme Knight Carl Anderson's Op-Ed piece. Click here to read Brian Caufield's take at KofC Fathers for Good blog. Also, click here to read the latest updates from Tom Peters on American Papist. For an excellent letter from Archbishop Charles Chaput, click here.

By the way, deafening sound of silence you hear is Americans United for Separation of Church and State confirming their true agenda. Let them know you're on to their hypocrisy by leaving a blog comment.

As a sidebar, you may find attacks on religion like this more frequent. Read this article about the shrinking of Christianity in America, according to a new study on American religion. Educate yourself and be vigilant! Remember, it's up to you as Catholics and Knights to do your part to build God's kingdom here on earth!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Video Lenten message from Bishop Richard Stika

Video message for Lent from the Bishop-Elect of the Diocese of Knoxville. The Bishop's ordination is March 19 in Knoxville. Click here to visit the diocesesan website for more info.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

MR Drive coming up. Your help needed!

Once again, it's time for Holy Family Council to hit the pavement for the benefit local people with mental and physical disabilities. This time, we'll be pounding pavement at OLPH and St. Stephen's parishes to collect funds for the council MR Fund, which helps support vital programs at Signal Centers, Orange Grove Center and AzUwer. MR Director Steve Reker needs volunteers to help at all masses at St. Stephen's on March 21 & 22, and at OLPH on March 28 & 29. Volunteer now by calling Steve at 870-3630.

6099 featured on State Council Website

Membership Director Allen Greenwell's good work is being dislplayed on the Tennessee State Council Website. The contents of 6099's new member package created for all new brothers is featured so that other council's can use it as an example to make their own. Click here to see the featured page. Once again, Holy Family Council 6099 is leading the way--"the best council in the whole wide world!"