Friday, October 31, 2008

Catholic Faith Night - From the Professor

If you missed Catholic Faith Night, you missed a very detailed explanation of the Clement of Rome and his role in furthering the establishment of the Church shortly following the Apostles. More than 20 brothers attended Professor George Bercaw's presentation, and there is plenty of room for more. Mark you calendar now to attend the next Catholic Men's Faith Night at the hall on the fourth Monday of every month.

For some educational reading, George offers some insight on Sunday Worship and why we do it that way here.

Awsome Video...

...from Watch it.

Tempus Fugit, Memento Mori

As we head into All Saints and All Souls Days, right on the edge of another Advent season, the Church turns our thoughts to comtemplating our perpetual watchwords: time flies, remember death. Here's a good article by Marcellino D'Ambrosio that talks about Church teaching on purgatory and offers a download of prayers for the dead. Read it.

All Saints/Soul is a very big deal in Poland, where candles light up cemetaries all over the country for days. Here is a short description of the day in Poland and a Krakow tourist's blog entry here.

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson: On Pro Life and the Vote

Supreme Knight Carl Andersons offers commentary on the election and pro-life in advance of Tuesday's general election. Also included, new videos from Supreme on defense of marriage and pro life:

Because of the importance of the pro-life issue in this year’s U.S. elections, I have decided to reprint here excerpts from my annual report to the Supreme Convention: Read more...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

MR Fund Already Surpasses Annual Goal!

Thanks to Chairman Steve Reker and a small army of brothers that helped staff MR weekend, we are pleased to report that this year's MR fund total has already surpassed our $12,000 goal to almost $15,000, with more to go! Make sure you get involved in MR when asked to give or help collect funds. Your next opportunity will be the parish collection MR drive, coming up soon! The council also distributed funds from last year's drive recently, which amounted to $2,750 each for Signal Centers and Azuwer, and $500 for Orange Grove Center. DGK Richard Buske is posing in the picture with Signal Centers CEO Donna McConnico and Brother Frank Oliveto, representing Azuwer.

Insurance Update: Safe Harbor in Turbulent Times

There's a lot turbulence in financial markets right now, which means your hard-earned money could be at risk! So, KofC insurance is offering "Safe Harbor", a stable and safe place to stash your nest egg that offers a substantial return rate and distinct tax advantages. General Agent Daniel Schachle asks that you check it out here.

Also, for those not aware, our own PGK Andy Simms has come on board with the KofC Field Office as our new field agent for the area, taking Daniel's position, as he has been promoted to run the office for the whole state! Congratulations to both, and be sure to make time to talk to Andy when he gives you a call!

Playing Catch Up

Thanks to the brothers who have been good enough to send me a few stories they've run across on other parts of the world wide web. If you happen to see something you think may be blog-worthy, send it along. Can't guarantee everything will get posted, but appreciate any help I can get in keeping it interesting:
  • Worthy Grand Knight sends along a story about a bishop who's not afraid to let it be known he is in charge of his diocese. It's here.
  • He also spotted this interesting juxtoposition on the meaning of the Eucharist in light of the old testament Hebrew. It's here.
  • This should make you proud to be a Knight. We are muscle for the church, even when it comes to issues of morality like defense of marriage. It's here.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fright Knight Halloween Party this Saturday!

Dust off the Halloween costume and get ready for some big scary fun! The annual “Fright Knight” Halloween Party is coming up this Saturday, October 25, from 7 p.m. until midnight. The dance will be held at the hall.

Beverages and light fare will be served throughout the evening including $1 Michelob on draft! A Halloween costume contest will be held with prizes awarded for the best-dressed individual and the best-dressed couple. DJ “Jan O’Lantern” will provide frightfully funky dance music.
Admission is only $10 per person, $20 per couple. Tickets will be available at the door. Proceeds from the dance will benefit council activities. Bring your date and get your spook on!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Looks like the old ways work!

Surprisingly, a decent article from Slate on monastic renewal and how new communities are flourishing based on doing things the original way. Read it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Action Alert - Stop FOCA!

Thanks to the St. Jude bulletin for this alert: Cardinal Justin Rigali (chair of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities) addressed the threat posed by "FOCA," a federal "Freedom of Choice Act" which, he said, "if enacted, would obliterate virtually all the gains of the past 35 years and cause the abortion rate to skyrocket… We cannot allow this to happen. We cannot tolerate an even greater loss of innocent human lives. We cannot subject more women and men to the postabortion grief and suffering that our counselors and priests encounter daily in Project Rachel programs across America." To learn what you can do about this proposed law, please click here to visit the NCHLA website.

Modern day miracle? Weeelllll...

Here's a fun story from Italy. May be worth another rate increase if Ron can get this kind of a hookup. Read it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Welcome New Brothers

Holy Family Council 6099 grew by five brothers Monday with the latest First Degree exemplification. Pictured with GK Jason Randall (in the middle, obviously) are from left: John Bukata, Richard Castle, Forrest Mohler, Luis Velasquez and Ray Powell. Please make a very special effort to meet these new brothers and welcome them to the council! Remember, membership blitz is in November! Stay tuned.

The man who would be king...of America

Found this online at Newsweek and thought, as the election is upon us, everyone might enjoy reading about the guy who might be king of America today had George Washington decided to take the job as a monarch rather than a president. FYI, that would be King Paul the First, who would have inherited the throne from King Larry. Read it.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall Flea Market Coming Up!

Saturday, October 11, Council 6099 will hold our Fall Flea Market at the hall, beginning at 7am. Volunteers of all types are needed for the day, so bring you and your family and let's all pitch in to raise money for Knights' Charity Fund. Help will also be needed on the Thursday and Friday before the market to price and arrange items. Got items? You can bring those, too. You can buy a table and sell your own items for just $10. For more info, email Allen Greenwell or call the hall at 899-9989.

October is Rosary month and Mary needs YOU!

Mary's Knights are needed during the month of October to participate in the Rosary at St. Stephen's and at OLPH. You are needed to help lead the Rosary before each Mass on Sunday at both churches, and even more, you are needed to bring yourself and your family to participate in the Rosary.

Both parishes will hold Rosary prayer 30 minutes before each Mass on Sundays during the month of October. If you want to lead the rosary, email Warren White to sign up a for a spot at St. Stephens and email Richard Smith to sign up for a spot at OLPH.

Faith Night Info from the Professor

If you missed Catholic Men's Faith Night, you missed another fantastic presentation by our resident professor, Brother George Bercaw. He did a fascinating run through the Church Fathers and their absolutely critical role in the developing Church. George will include articles and documents of interest on the blog so attendees can review the lessons as they like, and those who missed the lesson can get an idea of what was discussed.

From the Professor:

Dear Brother Knights:
I consider it a great privilege to have been given the opportunity to share with my brother Knights the Teachings of The Church Fathers. I said at our first meeting, the Fathers addressed many of the issues facing the Early Church that are still alive and seeking to harm the Church in our own time... (READ MORE)

Interesting bit of news

From MSNBC: A team of scientists led by renowned French marine archaeologist Franck Goddio recently announced that they have found a bowl, dating to between the late 2nd century B.C. and the early 1st century A.D., that is engraved with what they believe could be the world's first known reference to Christ. Read more.