Sunday, December 28, 2008

Brother Joe Roueche - Rest in Peace

You have no doubt heard of the tragic passing of Brother Joe Roueche.  Thanks to Brother Mark Simpson for providing this link to the story on the and the comments below.  Please feel free to leave your own comments by clicking the comments line below.  Feel free to share stories and memories or any other wishes you would like to post.  Tempus Fugit, Memento Mori.

From Brother Mark Simpson:

Joe was a regular at 12:00 noon mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. He usually sat in the balcony and was meticulous about wearing a suit to mass every Sunday. He could always be counted on to take up the collection in the balcony. While taking up the collection, he was always sure to give an affectionate pat on the shoulder to people that he recognized from week to week.

Before and after mass he would find his way to the vestibule and make sure to dispense at least a dozen or more big hugs saying things like “Praise the Lord, or Hallelujah Jesus” to anyone who walked within three feet of him. Big and tall it didn’t matter—he would reach up or bend over. Some newcomers were a little embarrassed by his overt sign of affection, but the regulars came to expect it, and it certainly didn’t matter to Joe. He kept doing it week in and week out.

A spry 79, he was a man of deep faith. When I was fortunate enough to give him communion, he would take the host and hold it up and shake his head gently from side to side and say “Thank you Jesus” and consume it with incredible awe and reverence. He consumed the precious blood the same way.

He was a humble man who quietly served his Lord and our Order well by his example. Rest in peace at home in the arms of Christ our Brother.

Mark Simpson
nd Degree Captain

Monday, December 22, 2008

Another view of Christmas - from Poland

Thought you might like to see a few pictures from Wayne's Christmas in Poland. Click here if you would like to check out some of the scenes from the City of Poznan's Christmas Festival in Old Market Square. It's the first year for the festival, and the locals I was with seemed impressed, So was I. Coming from a country where many cities are retiscent to celebrate Christmas at all, it's nice to see a city embrace the season wholeheartedly. Click here to see the pictures, a few with captions to give you some context.

Keep Christ in Christmas - Watch the TV announcement

Click here to see the latest TV ad from the Knights of Columbus for "Keep Christ in Christmas".

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Recharge and Review: pictures from December events

While you're doing your best to "Keep Christ in Christmas", pull up a cup of coffee and take a look at some recent event photos. Click here to see some pictures from the Our Lady of Guadalupe fesitval on December 12, a big event with food and pinatas galore attended by at least 200 and maybe more. Also, check out pictures of the December First Friday Fish Fry, our biggest yet, held in partnership with the OLPH Home & School Association. The third grade class won the attendance contest and therefore a pizza party for the whole class sponsored by the council.

Don't forget to take a few minutes, slow down and reflect on the real meaning of Christmas, take stock of a successful first half of our 40th fraternal year, and charge up your batteries for more in 2009!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe

This Friday, December 12, is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen of the Americas and Protector of the Unborn. Find out more about why this feast has been extended to all of the Americas and it's importance to the evangelization of the continent. Click on the following links:

Don't forget the Guadalupe Festival at OLPH in the gym on Friday, December 12, following the 5:30 Mass. Knights will be participating in the Mass and volunteering at the festival. Come by and help out or bring the family for an evening of food and fun, especially for the kids!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Remember to FIGHT FOCA

The Freedom of Choice Act is bad news for babies, mothers and society. Fight back! Please read the expert analysis by Americans United for Life (AUL) and sign the Fight FOCA petition at: Read the last message from the Grand Knight here.

NEW! Frequently asked questions about the FOCA act. Click here.

Remember, It's CHRISTmas!

Keep Christ in Christmas!

Pictures and Video from Light Up for Christ

Fr. Dickerson Lights Up the Holy Family Grotto at the Light Up for Christ event. Grand Knight Jason Randall and Deputy Grand Knight Richard Buske help with candlelighting. To see more pictures from the event, click here.

Light Up for Christ is a Success!

The second annual Light Up for Christ event was a big success, attracting a crowd of over 100 members, families and other folks from the community. Thanks to everyone who helped put the festivities together, including Chef Steve Reker, the Ladies Auxiliary, and everyone else who put in time to make this event a success!

If you missed it, see what you missed. Click on the video box below. This was aired on WRCB TV 3 last night and this morning. More pictures and video coming up soon.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Help "Light Up for Christ" on December 2!

Once again, it's time to Light Up for Christ! Can you think of a better way to kick off the season of Advent than an evening celebrating the Light of the World? Tuesday, December 2nd, bring your family to enjoy a special tree lighting ceremony with Chaplain Fr. Tony Dickerson along with Christmas caroling, free holiday snacks and a hot chili bar from Chef Steve. There will also be special Christmas music from the Cadek Flute Choir! The event starts at 7 p.m. Special music starts about 7:30 and the tree lighting and caroling will begin around 8. Bring your family and tell your friends. Help us celebrate the arrival of the Light of the World and Keep Christ in Christmas!

See photos from last year's Light Up for Christ event. Click here!

The Swiss Army Knife of Life

Worthy Field Agent Andy Simms has some good advice regarding the use of a Whole Life policy as part of your financial portfolio. It's one of most versatile financial tools you can have to protect your family's future!

We have all been there at some point in our lives. A screw needs to be tightened, a strip of cloth that to be cut, a bottle refuses to open. So what is the must-have tool for every occasion? The Swiss Army Knife, of course! The versatility of this tool makes it an indispensable item in every toolbox. What if I told you that, like the Swiss Army Knife, a Whole Life insurance policy is just as indispensable to your financial portfolio? A whole life policy is one product, can protect your family's future in many different ways. (Read more...)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Catholic Faith Night

Men's Catholic Faith Night is Monday, November 24, 7pm at the hall. Our own professor, Brother George Bercaw, will continue his series exploring our Catholic faith. Remember, these sessions are open to all Catholic men, so bring a friend and introduce him to the Knights:

From the Professor:
Dear Brother Knights:Out next excursion into the history of the Catholic Church is somewhat involved: it will be divided into four parts. In Part One, we will begin by taking a look at the environment into which Christ chose to establish His Church... (read more)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Celebrate 6099 Family Week at Knights Family Mass

This Sunday, November 23, Council 6099 will celebrate Family Week by participating in a Family Mass for Knights and their families. It will take place at the 11am Mass at St. Stephens. Please make plans with your family to celebrate the Feast of Christ the King and the conclusion of the liturgical year with your Brother Knights! We will have space reserved so that families can sit together. Fourth degree brothers with regalia, please plan to wear it and participate in the guard.

BLUE OUT: Everyone who has a dark blue council T-shirt or golf shirt, please plan to wear it! If you don't have a shirt, wear a dark blue/navy shirt and your KofC Pin or name tag. We want to flood the nave with BLUE so we can really make an impact on the crowd! We want everyone to know that the Knights are EVERYWHERE and standing strong with our families, our Church and our community!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From the Grand Knight - We must FIGHT FOCA

A week ago I stated that we didn't need to "preach to the choir" about pro-life. It seems that I was wrong. We will need to educate the Catholic community and stand firm in the basic human right; the right to live.

I am shocked that Catholics and some Knights voted for a pro abortion agenda. Will they help us fight when things turn worse, as they most assuredly will according to news reports (click here and here) from the new administration?

Here are the facts: FOCA would establish the right to abortion as a fundamental right (like the right to free speech) and wipe away every restriction on abortion nationwide.

It will eradicate state and federal abortion laws that the majority of Americans support and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future.

Please read the expert analysis by Americans United for Life (AUL) and sign the Fight FOCA petition at: Watch the videos below from abortion survivor, Gianna Jessen:

FIGHT FOCA - What you can do / Discussion at St. Jude

The USCCB warns that a new, very serious threat to human life has arisen: the Freedom of Choice Act. Among other dangers, FOCA forces taxpayers to fund abortions. If passed into law, the current level of 1.1 million abortions a year will go up, not down.

Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard (202-224-3121) to contact the offices of your Representative and two Senators and urge them to oppose FOCA. Learn much more at

Everyone is invited to a discussion of the "Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA) on Mon, Dec 1st at 6:30 pm in the Parish Life Center (PLC) at St. Jude parish. Help inform and motivate others about the urgency of acting now to stop this legislation from being signed into law. For more information, please call 876-7935 or write to

A priest comments on Supreme Knight's open letter to Biden

Father Joe Jenkins of Holy Family Church in Mitchellsville, MD offers an excellent reflection on Carl Anderson's recent open letter to Sen. Joe Biden (now VP-Elect) regarding his pro-abortion stance and it's complete inconsistency with authentic Catholic teaching (see the 6099 blog entry about that here).

Ready Fr. Joes thoughts and other comments by clicking here. They are very direct! Please note that Fr. Joe's Blog will be added to the other Catholic Blogs list on the bottom right of the blog.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sins of the Wallet

The National Catholic Register has put together a collection of essays addressing the mulitple causes of the financial market meltdown from a moral perspective. Includes an essay by Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.

"Economic hard times are always times of soul-searching, and the global economic crisis even brought a response from Pope Benedict XVI, who said on Oct. 6 that the crisis shows the importance of building our lives on the firm foundation of the word of God. “We see it now in the fall of the great banks,” the Pope said. “This money disappears; it is nothing — and in the same way, all these things, which lack a true reality to depend on, and are elements of a second order.” The Register felt it was important to look at the moral dimensions of the economic downturn and asked several prominent Catholic thinkers, “What sins got us into this mess, and what virtues are required to get us out of it?” Their thoughts follow. " Read more...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Excellent Article - Must Read

Cardinal Eegan of New York posted an excellent article on the importance ending the abortion horror once and for all.

The picture on this page is an untouched photograph of a being that has been within its mother for 20 weeks. Please do me the favor of looking at it carefully... Read it.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Catholic Faith Night - From the Professor

If you missed Catholic Faith Night, you missed a very detailed explanation of the Clement of Rome and his role in furthering the establishment of the Church shortly following the Apostles. More than 20 brothers attended Professor George Bercaw's presentation, and there is plenty of room for more. Mark you calendar now to attend the next Catholic Men's Faith Night at the hall on the fourth Monday of every month.

For some educational reading, George offers some insight on Sunday Worship and why we do it that way here.

Awsome Video...

...from Watch it.

Tempus Fugit, Memento Mori

As we head into All Saints and All Souls Days, right on the edge of another Advent season, the Church turns our thoughts to comtemplating our perpetual watchwords: time flies, remember death. Here's a good article by Marcellino D'Ambrosio that talks about Church teaching on purgatory and offers a download of prayers for the dead. Read it.

All Saints/Soul is a very big deal in Poland, where candles light up cemetaries all over the country for days. Here is a short description of the day in Poland and a Krakow tourist's blog entry here.

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson: On Pro Life and the Vote

Supreme Knight Carl Andersons offers commentary on the election and pro-life in advance of Tuesday's general election. Also included, new videos from Supreme on defense of marriage and pro life:

Because of the importance of the pro-life issue in this year’s U.S. elections, I have decided to reprint here excerpts from my annual report to the Supreme Convention: Read more...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

MR Fund Already Surpasses Annual Goal!

Thanks to Chairman Steve Reker and a small army of brothers that helped staff MR weekend, we are pleased to report that this year's MR fund total has already surpassed our $12,000 goal to almost $15,000, with more to go! Make sure you get involved in MR when asked to give or help collect funds. Your next opportunity will be the parish collection MR drive, coming up soon! The council also distributed funds from last year's drive recently, which amounted to $2,750 each for Signal Centers and Azuwer, and $500 for Orange Grove Center. DGK Richard Buske is posing in the picture with Signal Centers CEO Donna McConnico and Brother Frank Oliveto, representing Azuwer.

Insurance Update: Safe Harbor in Turbulent Times

There's a lot turbulence in financial markets right now, which means your hard-earned money could be at risk! So, KofC insurance is offering "Safe Harbor", a stable and safe place to stash your nest egg that offers a substantial return rate and distinct tax advantages. General Agent Daniel Schachle asks that you check it out here.

Also, for those not aware, our own PGK Andy Simms has come on board with the KofC Field Office as our new field agent for the area, taking Daniel's position, as he has been promoted to run the office for the whole state! Congratulations to both, and be sure to make time to talk to Andy when he gives you a call!

Playing Catch Up

Thanks to the brothers who have been good enough to send me a few stories they've run across on other parts of the world wide web. If you happen to see something you think may be blog-worthy, send it along. Can't guarantee everything will get posted, but appreciate any help I can get in keeping it interesting:
  • Worthy Grand Knight sends along a story about a bishop who's not afraid to let it be known he is in charge of his diocese. It's here.
  • He also spotted this interesting juxtoposition on the meaning of the Eucharist in light of the old testament Hebrew. It's here.
  • This should make you proud to be a Knight. We are muscle for the church, even when it comes to issues of morality like defense of marriage. It's here.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fright Knight Halloween Party this Saturday!

Dust off the Halloween costume and get ready for some big scary fun! The annual “Fright Knight” Halloween Party is coming up this Saturday, October 25, from 7 p.m. until midnight. The dance will be held at the hall.

Beverages and light fare will be served throughout the evening including $1 Michelob on draft! A Halloween costume contest will be held with prizes awarded for the best-dressed individual and the best-dressed couple. DJ “Jan O’Lantern” will provide frightfully funky dance music.
Admission is only $10 per person, $20 per couple. Tickets will be available at the door. Proceeds from the dance will benefit council activities. Bring your date and get your spook on!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Looks like the old ways work!

Surprisingly, a decent article from Slate on monastic renewal and how new communities are flourishing based on doing things the original way. Read it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Action Alert - Stop FOCA!

Thanks to the St. Jude bulletin for this alert: Cardinal Justin Rigali (chair of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities) addressed the threat posed by "FOCA," a federal "Freedom of Choice Act" which, he said, "if enacted, would obliterate virtually all the gains of the past 35 years and cause the abortion rate to skyrocket… We cannot allow this to happen. We cannot tolerate an even greater loss of innocent human lives. We cannot subject more women and men to the postabortion grief and suffering that our counselors and priests encounter daily in Project Rachel programs across America." To learn what you can do about this proposed law, please click here to visit the NCHLA website.

Modern day miracle? Weeelllll...

Here's a fun story from Italy. May be worth another rate increase if Ron can get this kind of a hookup. Read it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Welcome New Brothers

Holy Family Council 6099 grew by five brothers Monday with the latest First Degree exemplification. Pictured with GK Jason Randall (in the middle, obviously) are from left: John Bukata, Richard Castle, Forrest Mohler, Luis Velasquez and Ray Powell. Please make a very special effort to meet these new brothers and welcome them to the council! Remember, membership blitz is in November! Stay tuned.

The man who would be king...of America

Found this online at Newsweek and thought, as the election is upon us, everyone might enjoy reading about the guy who might be king of America today had George Washington decided to take the job as a monarch rather than a president. FYI, that would be King Paul the First, who would have inherited the throne from King Larry. Read it.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall Flea Market Coming Up!

Saturday, October 11, Council 6099 will hold our Fall Flea Market at the hall, beginning at 7am. Volunteers of all types are needed for the day, so bring you and your family and let's all pitch in to raise money for Knights' Charity Fund. Help will also be needed on the Thursday and Friday before the market to price and arrange items. Got items? You can bring those, too. You can buy a table and sell your own items for just $10. For more info, email Allen Greenwell or call the hall at 899-9989.

October is Rosary month and Mary needs YOU!

Mary's Knights are needed during the month of October to participate in the Rosary at St. Stephen's and at OLPH. You are needed to help lead the Rosary before each Mass on Sunday at both churches, and even more, you are needed to bring yourself and your family to participate in the Rosary.

Both parishes will hold Rosary prayer 30 minutes before each Mass on Sundays during the month of October. If you want to lead the rosary, email Warren White to sign up a for a spot at St. Stephens and email Richard Smith to sign up for a spot at OLPH.

Faith Night Info from the Professor

If you missed Catholic Men's Faith Night, you missed another fantastic presentation by our resident professor, Brother George Bercaw. He did a fascinating run through the Church Fathers and their absolutely critical role in the developing Church. George will include articles and documents of interest on the blog so attendees can review the lessons as they like, and those who missed the lesson can get an idea of what was discussed.

From the Professor:

Dear Brother Knights:
I consider it a great privilege to have been given the opportunity to share with my brother Knights the Teachings of The Church Fathers. I said at our first meeting, the Fathers addressed many of the issues facing the Early Church that are still alive and seeking to harm the Church in our own time... (READ MORE)

Interesting bit of news

From MSNBC: A team of scientists led by renowned French marine archaeologist Franck Goddio recently announced that they have found a bowl, dating to between the late 2nd century B.C. and the early 1st century A.D., that is engraved with what they believe could be the world's first known reference to Christ. Read more.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Pro Life announcement from Supreme

Supreme Council has released a new recorded radio announcement to promote the Pro-Life issues for the upcoming election. Click here to go listen.

MMMMMMMMMMM Pancakes & Fish!

Tell your friends! Alert the neighbors! This Sunday, September 29, from 8a to Noon, drop in the OLPH PLC for the first Fourth Sunday Pancake Breakfast. Grab a stack of hot, delicious pancakes with sausage and other breakfast fixin's, all to help Food for the Poor. Knights, bring yourself and your families, and bring anyone you know to help us raise money and build community at OLPH! Just $3 will get you all-you-can-eat pancakes!

Not enough? Then be sure to come back to the PLC on Friday, October 3rd at 6pm for the first First Friday Fish Fry of the fall season! Just $5 will get you and your family all-you-can-eat fried fish and fixins, with all proceeds benefitting the Wheelchair Foundation. Be a part of the solution!

Knights needed for 40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that draws attention to the evil of abortion through the use of prayer and fasting, constant vigil and community outreach. 40 Days for Life takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families. Click here to see the 40 Days website.

The 40 Days for Life Campaign will move to OLPH the week of September 29th -October 5th. Please volunteer to be a part of the vigil this week. As Knights, we must show that we are very much about defending life in all stages!

YOU CAN HELP! There will be a canopy at the corner of South Moore and South Terrace. The Vigil will take place the following hours:
  • Monday 9/29 through Thursday 10/2, daily beginning with 8:15 a.m. Mass and concluding 7:00 p.m. each evening.

  • Friday 10/3 from 8:15 a.m. Mass, then during Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 a.m. until the 5:30 p.m. "First Friday" Mass.

  • Saturday 10/4 from 8:00 a.m. Mass until 5:30 p.m. Mass.

The "40 Days for Life" Vigil concludes on Respect Life Sunday, October 5, with a Silent Prayer Chain bordering OLPH from 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m., which will feature a special guest speaker from "Silent No More", along with closing prayers offered by local youth. Hundreds of people are needed to be witnesses for life during the life chain, so be sure to be there.

Allen Greenwell has the sign up sheets so please e-mail him and give him the time slot you want. All 6099 Knights need to help and show that the Knights are ultra Pro Lifers!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's Election Time - Educate Yourself

Once again, future of the country will swing on the Catholic vote in 2008. Because of that, it is very important that you educate yourself about the candidates relative to the teachings of the Church. Make sure you get the REAL story from reliable sources. Here are a couple of great sites worth spending the some time with. I'll add others as they come up, or feel free to suggest some:

  • Priests for Life Political Responsibility Center: Site hosted by Fr. Frank Pavone's ministry includes a voter information guide for life as well as practical steps for how you can get involved in the politcal process.
  • Faithful Citizenship from the USCCB: An excellent and extensive election info site from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops with videos, email newsletter, podcasts and links to several of the bishops' teaching documents on the matters of voting and conscience formation.

Supreme Knight's open letter to Sen. Biden

Brothers beware! You may have noticed efforts by the political class to attack Church beliefs by trying to redefine them, the latest being Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden. In an open letter to U.S. Sen. Joe Biden published Friday in several major newspapers, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson challenged Biden's assertion that Catholic teaching on abortion was not clear. He appealed to Biden "as a Catholic who acknowledges that life begins at conception," to protect the inalienable right to life. Read the letter.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Election '08 - Excellent Pro-Life Video

Thanks to Brother Bill West for finding an excellent video reminding us that this election is much more than just the economy or the war. Underlying all this is the basic and bedrock principle of life! Without a right to life, there ceases to be liberty and can be no pursuit of happiness. Watch the video.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Great read from Michael Novak... National Review Online regarding Notre Dame's big win over Michigan last Saturday. Big 10ers, beware, but you can't ignore the signs. Read it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mention on the Supreme Website

Results from our Flea Market for the Wheelchair Foundation were posted on the Supreme website. Click here to check it out.

New Pictures from Founders' Day

Thanks to Brother Gene Lansigan for taking some outstanding pictures at the Founders' Day Banquet. They have been added to the current photo album, so take a look. You should be able to tell which are his pretty easily.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Brother James "Bo" Smith

Please keep the soul of Brother James "Bo" Smith and his family in your prayers. Brother Bo passed on to eternal life Sunday morning. Also, please especially remember in your prayers his wife Dotty, who has suffered a great loss.

Bo's wake will take place Thursday from 5pm to 8pm with Rosary at 7:30 p.m. A 4th Degree Honor Guard will stand watch, as well. The wake and viewing will be held at Chattanooga Funeral Home, across from OLPH. The funeral will be held at OLPH this Friday at 1pm.

NEW: Read Bo's obituary from the Chattanooga Times Free Press.

Founders' Day Banquet Celebrates 40 Years of Faith In Action

What a show! Holy Family Council 6099 hosted an outstanding celebration of the 40th year of our charter with a gala banquet honoring the council's charter members. At least 110 members and families attended the event, including four of the orginal council charter members: Al Burzese, Melvin Downs (pictured in back), Ray Fox, Sr., and Don Kohl (pictured in front). Each of these men put their name along with 60 others on the council charter September 7, 1968, helping lay the foundation for what would become Holy Family Council 6099, now one of the largest in the state of Tennessee with 277 members.

The program featured an address by Grand Knight Jason Randall, who recommitted the council to "live the message of the gospels" by continuing to serve Church and community in close cooperation in our parish priests. Clergy in attendance last night were Father Gilbert Diaz from St. Stephen's, Fr. Mike Nolan from Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and also our own council chaplain, Fr. Tony Dickerson. Other special guests included State Treasurer Mike Wills and his wife, Kathy, and State Warden Jim Bruuns and his wife, Doris.

The evening finished up with a delicious prime rib dinner created by Council Chef Steve Reker, ably assisted by Brother Bill Woods. Lots of laughs and memories were shared, wrapping up an eventful Founders' Weekend which included the 40 Year Fish Fry on Friday, and the John Knight/Don Kohl Benefit Golf Tournament on Saturday.
See pictures from the event here. Also, if you want to check out some of the "historical" photos on display last night, click for the 70s, or the 80s, or the 90s.

Thanks to all those who attended and those who made it possible, especially Chef Steve Reker for preparing the meal and the Ladies Auxiliary for beautifully decorating the hall for the event.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Come to Founder's Day Banquet this Sunday!

The 40th Anniversary Founders Day Banquet will be this Sunday, September 7, at the hall. Bring your family for a delicious Chef Steve prime rib dinner for just $5.00 each while you relive memories from the last 40 years. Social hour begins at 5:30 and dinner will be served at 6:30. Special guests include so far State Treasurer Mike Wills and State Warden Jim Bruuns, plus clergy and hopefully a few of the founders! There will be a short program and presentation of a proclamation as well as a LOT of pictures of characters from the past (like Mayor Stumpy!).

Please RSVP by Thursday to Jason at

Friday, August 29, 2008

New Service from Supreme

Just added to Holy Family Favorites is a link to the new info service from Supreme, HEADLINE BISTRO. Also added to the right column is a box called KofC Bistro Featured Opinion, which delivers the latest opinion columns from the Headline Bistro service.

CHECK OUT the Headline Bistro video service.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Want to see more pictures like this?

Then make plans to be at the Council's FOUNDERS DAY Banquet on Sunday, September 7. It's the day of our charter and we're celebrating with a full prime rib dinner for $5. Come share photographs and memories as we pay tribute to our charter members! Social hour begins at 5:30p and dinner will be served at 6p. Stay tuned for more info!

BONUS: Who is the handsome fellow in this picture? Totally disco! Leave your answer in the comments section by clicking it below.

For the record...

Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington clarifies the Church's teaching on abortion relative to a politcal interview on Sunday's Meet the Press. Please take a look as its good, definitive information. Also, Cardinal Egan of New York weighs in strongly on the comments.

NEW: Excellent clarification from AB Charles Chaput and Aux. James Conley of Denver.

Can't say it better than the Chancellor...

For those of you who were unable to attend our first Men's Catholic Study Meeting, presented by George Bercaw, you missed an Awesome experience. Please talk to any of the men in attendance last night and I know you will mark your calendar and make plans to attend next month. The presentation George does is enlightening and thought provoking. If it were not for our already full schedule, I would like to meet every Monday, but that is just not possible; so don't miss out next month. Two hours with Brother George will energize your faith and encourage you to get a fresh start in the morning to love and serve our savior Jesus Christ.
--Brother Victor Williams, Chancellor

Mark your calendars...the next Catholic Faith Night is Monday, September 22. Don't miss it!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Don't forget Fourth Monday Faith Night

This Monday night at 7:00pm, come enjoy an interesting and informative discussion on the basics of our Catholic faith, presented by brother Sir Knight George Bercaw. How much do you really know about Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular? What is Columbian spirituality and how can you best live it day-to-day? This ongoing series will help you get a handle on the truths that are taught to us in the Catholic faith. The group will meet on the 4th Monday of every month at the hall at 7:00pm. This is a great opportunity for you learn more about your faith. Knowledge sharpens the sword of truth, so make plans to attend!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

6099 achieves DOUBLE STAR!

All of the hard work in 2007 paid off! The Supreme Council awarded Holy Family Council 6099 DOUBLE STAR COUNCIL status for 2007. The Double Star is awarded to councils that meet their membership quota for the year and experience at least 200% growth. 6099 was one of only 501 councils that acheived Double Star status this year. That puts 6099 in the top 3% of councils in the world! Congratulations to membership chairman Allen Greenwell, membership committee and everyone who had a part in helping the council achieve this distinguised honor. Nothing says we can't do it one more time!

Players, sponsors needed for Golf Tournament

The 18th annual John Knight/Don Kohl Charity Golf Tournament is coming September 6. Your help is still needed to help make this tournament the best it can be. Last year, the council finally broke the $10,000 fundraising barrier and we can do even better this year. But we can't do it without YOU! Here are some ways you can help:
  • PLAY ON A TEAM OR RECRUIT A TEAM: There is room for 144 players in the tournament and the faster it fills up, the better. $75 per player entry feed

  • FIND A SPONSOR OR BE A SPONSOR: Recruit a hole sponsor or become a cart sponsor yourself (just $50!). Email Ron for more info.

  • HELP!: Volunteer your time to help on the day of the tournament. We need help with organization of prizes, food, etc.

There is plenty of room for you to be involved. Remember, tee time is 8 am. To play, sponsor or volunteer, e-mail tournament chairman Ron Schleifer.

6099 Swings at the MR Luau

Did you make it to the Luau on August 9? If not, you missed quite a time. This was the best-attended benefit luau ever with more than 140 attending. It was a jam-packed parking lot and hall to raise money for the council's MR Fund. The band, Plum Crazy, was in excellent form. Mary Simms, wife of Andy Simms, was the winner of the Limbo competition with Christian Evers finishing a close second. Mary Catherine McConnell (pictured) took top honors in the best costume contest. If you didn't make it, or you just want to relive those magic moments, click here to get a little tropical flava!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Supreme Knight's Comments at 126th Convention

The 126th Supreme Convention is underway in Quebec this week. The opening business session took place on Tuesday and featured the annual report of Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. Click here to review his comments posted in the convention section of the Supreme website, where you will find more news and photo gallery.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

40 Years of Faith In Action!

And we've got plenty of action lined up! We are front-loaded, gentlemen! The fraternal year is off to a really fast start, and the months of August and September don't slow down. Make notes:

  • August 4th business meeting and Rosary 7:00pm
  • August 10th Choir OLPH 10:00am
  • August 10th Second Degree at 610 3:00pm (candidates arrive by 2:30)
  • August 18th Social Meeting 6:45pm
  • August 23rd Southern Brewers festival
  • August 25th Men’s Catholic Faith night at hall 7:00pm
  • August 27th Directors and Officers meeting 6:30pm

FOUNDERS WEEK is Aug 31 - Sept. 7
It is the Holy Family Council's 40th year, and we're celebrating with a week of activities to celebrate our official Founder's Day, September 7.

  • August 31st: Labor Day Picnic and Soccer Challenge
  • September 2nd: Business meeting and Rosary 7:00pm
  • September 5th: 40 YEAR FISH FRY at OLPH 6:00pm
  • September 6th: Knight/Cole Golf Tournament
  • September 7th: 40th Anniversary Celebration Mass (tba)
  • September 7th: 40th Anniversary gala dinner 5:30pm at the hall

You have plenty of opportunities to get involved, so populate your calendar accordingly. Get ready to celebrate 40 years of FAITH IN ACTION!

Rise to THE CHALLENGE at the Labor Day Picnic!

Big events coming up for the council. Make sure YOU and your family take part! Sunday, August 31, it's the annual Labor Day Picnic from 12-6p at the Hall. This is an afternoon planned for the enjoyment of your whole family. Dogs and burgers, games, swimming and other fun for the kids, including a 12 foot waterslide! It's FREE, so why wouldn't you drop by?

Also that afternoon, it's the 2nd annual Knights SOCCER CHALLENGE! This challenge open to youth aged 8-14 with boys and girls winners in each age group. Winners will move on to the District soccer challenge with chances to move to the state and beyond! For more info about the KofC Soccer Challenge, e-mail Youth Director John DeLaune.

PROMACC press conference regarding possible abortion mill in Chattanooga

There is considerably more worry that a new abortion clinic will indeed open up in the Chattanooga area, in Hixson. The PROMACC (Pro-Life Majority Coalition of Chattanooga) held a press conference today to lay out what they have found. Click the links to watch a video of the story or read about it .

The whole thing apparently started when an ad in the phone book (pictured) for abortion services for Chattanooga appeared. Apparently, the local number rolls over to a mill in NC. There is no local address listed in the ad, but PROMACC says their "inside sources" say the new mill, if it shows up, would likely be located at 4066 Hixson Pike in a building owned by TPC Properties. There are more details in the "read" link above.

Defend the Culture of Life! Link and Learn:

New magazine featuring OLPH Rams Football

The new Tennessee Football Magazine will have a custom cover featuring our OLPH Rams! All you old Rams and dads of new Rams may be interested in the story.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Next fish fry this Friday!

Bring your family and invite your friends! Everyone is welcome at the next FIRST FRIDAY FISH FRY scheduled this Friday, August 1 at the OLPH Parish Life Center. We had almost 200 show up on July 4! Help us reach that number and more for August! All-you-can-eat fish dinner and fixin's available for just a $5.00 donation. Proceeds benefit the Tennssee Wheelchair Foundation. Go to Mass and benediction at 5:30, then join us in the PLC! Service starts at 6:00 p.m. so be sure to join us!

Flea market event raises over $5,000 for Wheelchair Foundation

A little rain, a little heat, but a lot of folks! That's a good way to sum up the success of Chattanooga's LARGEST Outdoor Flea Market held last Saturday on the OLPH football field. Stuff was stacked up and strung out on several rows that reached the 50 yard line, at least, and lots and lots of bargains were there to be found. CLICK HERE to see pictures.

The results? A full parking lot throughout the day turned into a total of more than $5,000 raised for the Tennessee Wheelchair Foundation. The proceeds will be donated to help purchase wheelchairs for disabled Tennessee veterans in need of mobility and hope!

MANY THANKS to co-chairs Moe Rivers (in the picture with Warren White) and Allen Greenwell for spending most of their waking hours the last few weeks organizing, picking up and recruiting the support and volunteers necessary to make this fundraiser a success! Also, thanks to Chip Chapman and Dale Mitchell of WUUS Radio for spending their morning with us to drum up business, and also to Brother Joe Mule', General Manager, for making that partnership possible in the first place! The station's support of the event as our official media partner was outstanding and appreciated!

Also, THANKS to the many Brother Knights who gave up most of their weekend to help make the sale a success! Didn't get a chance to work? Then DONATE to the Wheelchair Foundation.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Update on abortion mill situation

Please read this letter from Paul Simonau at the Diocesan Council for Justice and Peace updating the situation regarding what was reported as the location of a possible abortion mill in Chattanooga. There is still a possibility this could happen.

Once again, the Supreme Council website offers links to pro-life resources that we would do well to check out. Also, there is a list of KofC pro-life programs and initiatives and links to encyclicals and statements from popes and the U.S. Bishop's conference. Look these resources over to sharpen your defense of the Culture of Life!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Take a Monday night to know your Catholic faith!

How much do you really know about Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular? What is Columbian spirituality and how can you best live it day-to-day? To help you find out all this and more, the council is starting a new and informative Men's Catholic Faith Discussion program presented exclusively for Brother Knights.

The group will meet on the 4th Monday of every month. Brother Sir Knight George Bercaw will lead us in a presentation and discussion. This is a great opportunity for you learn more about your faith. The first meeting will be August 25th in the evening at the council hall (time to be determined). Knowledge sharpens the sword of truth, so make plans to attend!

LUAU for the MR Fund, mon! Be there!

Get ready to fire it up for the 4th Annual Caribbean Luau and Dance on Saturday, August 9, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the hall. Proceeds from the event will benefit our MR Fund, which helps three local charities that support people with mental disabilities: Orange Grover Center, Signal Centers and Azuwer. The council raised more than $12,000 for these charities in MR fund activities last year. The annual Luau benefit is the largest single benefit event for this fund during the year.

Tickets are $15 each or $30 per couple. Caribbean style food and beverages will be served. The band PLUM CRAZY will provide live music. There will also be a limbo contest, as well as prizes awarded for the best beach and cabana wear. SAVE THE DATE AND JOIN THE FUN!
For a variety of reasons, you may have forgotten how much FUN the Luau was last year. Refresh your memory with pictures! Click here to check them out.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rumors about new Chattanooga abortion mill called false

If you haven't read the Saturday newspaper, please read this article regarding rumors about a new abortion clinic planned for the Chattanooga area. The rumor, according to the owners of a chain of clinics in North Carolina and Georgia, are false, but this is a reminder to us as defenders of the Right to Life that we must be vigilant in doing what we can to prevent another abortion mill opening up in our area. We have been blessed to be abortion mill-free since 1993, but that doesn't mean it can't happen again! Be sure after you read the story to leave your comment on the site.

Supreme Council website offers links to pro-life resources that we would do well to check out. Also, there is a list of KofC pro-life programs and initiatives and links to encyclicals and statements from popes and the U.S. Bishop's conference. Look these resources over to sharpen your defense of the Culture of Life! Brother Knights, be on watch for protection of women and the unborn!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Countdown to Chattanooga's Largest Outdoor Flea Market

Here we are, counting down to the big day -- Saturday, July 26, the day of Chattanooga's LARGEST OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET! Get ready to be a part of something really BIG! We need YOU to step up and volunteer! The fun starts on Friday, July 25. If you have a spare day or even a few spare hours, make sure you come down to OLPH and help set up the football field. We need as many arms, hands and backs as possible to arrange and organize donated items we have for sale.

We start EARLY on Saturday morning. The official opening is 7 am, but there will be shoppers there long before that! Whatever you think you can do help out on Friday and/or Saturday, e-mail Moe Rivers and let him know. The flea market will close about 4pm.

Proceeds from the flea market will benefit the Tennessee Wheelchair Foundation, providing wheelchairs, mobility and hope to disable Tennessee veterans in need. You can still donate items at OLPH and St. Stephens after Mass or bring stuff down to the hall

Many thanks to Brother Joe Mule', General Manager of WUUS Radio for being our Flea Market media partner. WUUS 97.3 & 99.3 FM will sponsor a three hour remote broadcast from the event, so listen up and come meet a famous radio personality!

Let's Get Busy!

The new fraternal year is here! After taking a couple of weeks to catch our breath and plan, we've got a full 6 weeks or so coming up. Scan the calendar and pick the events at which you can contribute. There are plenty to choose from!

  • July 19th - Work and clean up day at hall. Starts in the morning.

  • July 21st -The Social meeting at 6:45p. BRING A PROSPECT!

  • July 25th - Set up for CHATTANOOGA'S LARGEST OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET. Call Moe to help, 892-8633

  • July 26th- CHATTANOOGA'S LARGETS OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET at OLPH football field. Call Moe to help, 892-8633

  • August 1st - First Friday Fish Fry at OLPH PLC, 6:00p

  • August 3rd -Second degree at Council 610

  • August 4th -Business meeting and Rosary 7:00

  • August 9th -6099 Annual Luau to benefit the M.R. fund. Bring friends. Live music by Plum Krazie and other fun stuff begins at 7:00p

  • August 10th -Fr. McGivney's Holy Family Singers at OLPH, 10a Mass

  • August 18th -Social meeting at 6:45p. BRING A PROSPECT!

  • August 23rd Chattanooga Brewfest, all day on the river, to benefit Kids on the Block. To volunteer for afternoon or evening shift, e-mail Ken McVay at .

  • August 31st -LABOR DAY PICNIC and 2nd Annual KofC Soccer Challenge at the hall.

  • September 6th - Knight/Kohl Golf Tournament at Brainerd Golf Club. We need PLAYERS and SPONSORS! E-mail Ron Schleifer

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Volunteers and Stuff needed for Chattanooga's LARGEST Outodoor Flea Market!

What we think will be Chattanooga's Largest Outdoor Flea Market will take place on Saturday, July 26, 7a-4p on the football field at OLPH to benefit the Wheelchair Foundation as they focus on buying wheelchairs for disabled veterants in Tennessee. Chairman Moe Rivers is seeking LOTS of volunteer help for that day. We will need AT LEAST 70 VOLUNTEERS to run the event throughout the day, as well as help load and unload items, set up tables, chairs, tents, etc. on the day before.

This is a HUGE undertaking that will require ALL HANDS ON DECK! Please put aside at least part of your day on Friday or Saturday to help make this community-wide event a tremendous success! E-MAIL MOE RIVERS now to let him know you can volunteer or get more information, or call 892-8633. Or call Allen Greenwell at 899-3981.

ITEM DROP OFF: Drop off your items to sell before or after Sunday Masses at OLPH or St. Stephen's. There will be a tractor trailer next to the gym at OLPH. Also, bring your stuff by the hall to drop off there.

SPACE RENTAL: Know anyone who wants to rent a space? 10x10 spaces are available for $10.00 each or get a space with table for $20.00. Contact Moe Rivers or Allen Greenwell at the information above.

Council installs new officers for fraternal year

Council 6099 installed new officers for the 2008-09 fraternal year on June 29 at council hall. Click here for pictures. About 50 members and families were on hand for the ceremony and the fantastic dinner prepared by Council Chef Steve Reker and able assistants Al Squillante and Bill Woods. Also, winners of the annual council awards were announced. Those recognized for oustanding service to the council last year were:

  • Knight of the Year: Ron Schleifer, PGK (pictured)
  • Family of the Year: Allan and Rebecca Greenwell
  • The Stumpy Award: Mike Doyle, PGK

New council officers for this fraternal year are:
  • Grand Knight: Jason Randall
  • Deputy Grand Knight: Richard Buske
  • Chancellor: Victor Williams
  • Warden: Corky Evers
  • Recorder: Wayne Collins
  • Advocate: Ray Fox, PGK
  • Financial Secretary: Ron Schleifer, PGK
  • Treasurer: Earl Riecke
  • Lecturer: Allen Greenwell
  • Trustees: Mike Doyle, PGK; Rusty Phillips, PGK, FDD; Chris Humkey, PGK
  • Outside Guards: Chuck Laplante, Joe Salamone
  • Inside Guards: Rick Hick, Steve Horton

This year's slate of directors are:

  • Youth: John DeLaune
  • Family: George Ames
  • Church, OLPH: Joe Reinert
  • Church, St. Stephen: Warren White, PGK
  • Community: Wayne Collins
  • Membership: Allen Greenwell
  • Hall Rental: Steve Horten
  • Pro-Life: Michael Doyle
  • MR Foundation: Steve Reker
  • Brewer's Festival: Ken McVay, PGK
  • 52 Club: Earl Riecke
  • Wheelchair Foundation: Moe Rivers
  • Food for the Poor: Dennis Meinert
  • Building & Grounds: Chris Bryant
  • Golf Tournament: Ron Schleifer, PGK
  • Council Chef: Steve Reker
  • Webmaster: Mark Simpson
  • Blog Chief: Wayne Collins

What will YOU do to help make our 40th year the best ever? Think about it!