Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Get your Fright On this Saturday!

Get ready for the FRIGHT NIGHT Halloween Dance this Saturday from 7p - Midnight at the hall. Treat yourself and your date to delicious Halloween treats from Chef Steve, and freaky rock n' roll tunes by Plum Krazy Entertainment. And, as always, best costume gets a cool prize! You are all about the F-U-N, so be there on Halloween night! Only $20 a couple to support your council AND have the spookiest fun of your life! DON'T MISS IT!

Welcome New Brothers Knights!

The council hosted a First Degree exemplification on October 14. Five new brother knights received the honors and began their journey toward full knighthood. Pictured with Grand Knight Richard Buske from left are Matt Robinson, Richard Kozlowski (new member of Council 11424 in Dayton), Jay Hudson, Bob Adney and Roger Fiske. Whenever you see them, welcome them aboard and offer your support.

6099 Hosts Bishop, Bienville Province Dinner

Bishop of Knoxville Richard Sticka was chief among honored guests of the Bienville Province Dinner, hosted at the Hall on October 24th. More than 70 sir knights and wives were in attendance, all treated to a delicious Chef Steve meal served by the 4th Degree Knights of Assembly 1084. Bienville Province of the 4th Degree includes five states (Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana). Guests included district masters and state deputies from all five states, new Vice Supreme Master Skip Gentle, and Retired Col. Charles Gallina, PSD, Director of Military and Veterans affairs at Supreme Council. FVSM Mike Horten was the emcee for the evening. To see pictures from the event, click here.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Good News: Possible Eurcharistic Miracle

Check out the news from Bialystock, Poland about what may be an authentic Eucharistic miracle, the nature of which is very similar to that of the famous Lanciano miracle in 756. It has been thoroughly investigated and presented for validation. Authentic or not, it will point you toward the truth of the Real Presence. Click here to read about it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Special Appeal to Support Wheelchair Foundation

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for your support this past fraternal year. You helped raise over $10,000 to help provide wheelchairs to our Disabled Veterans, the most raised by ANY council in the state of Tennessee!

Now, I am asking for much-needed financial support to help defray the cost of upgrading the OLPH kitchen fire protection system so we may continue our principle Wheelchair Foundation fundraiser, the First Friday Fish Fry. The new fire system is necessary so that we may continue to use the deep fryers in the kitchen. We attempted October’s First Friday Fish Fry with 4-turkey fryer’s, but that is a very inadequate solution.

The Council voted to move forward and do the necessary upgrade to the OLPH fire protection system for approximately $1,800. The new system should be installed and ready for use at November’s First Friday Fish Fry.

OLPH has agreed to pay for the up-front expense of $1800. The council has agreed to pay them back from the profit of the monthly fish fry’s.

We would like to eliminate that monthly expense as quickly as possible so we can continue raising funds for the Wheelchair Foundation. We are asking you to make any size donation you can to help defray the expense of this new system.

Donations can be made out to K of C 6099 Wheel Chair Foundation and mailed to PO BOX 21481 Chattanooga TN 37424 or dropped off at the hall. You may also give securely online with any major credit card through our council's FirstGiving page. CLICK HERE TO GIVE ONLINE.

Thank you for your continued support of this worthy fundraiser.
May God continue to bless.

Brother Moe Rivers

Pray the Rosary in October!

October is a Marian month, a month dedicated to the Blessesd Mother. There is no better way to celebrate the month than by praying the Rosary. All brother Knights and their families are encouraged to pray the HOLY ROSARY at St. Stephen's Church and OLPH before each Sunday Mass during the month of October. Celebrate our Blessed Mother and come to know the mysteries of Christ by praying together with your family and other parishoners.

Pope John Paul II called the Rosary “a prayer of great significance, destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness.” As Knights, we are called to participate and help promote this most important and beneficial Catholic devotion. If you would like to help lead the Rosary at either parish, your help is needed. To volunteer, click here to e-mail Richard Smith for OLPH and click here to e-mail Warren White for St. Stephen's.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.

Fraternal Compass Fall Edition

General Agent Daniel Schachle has distributed the fall edition of Fraternal Compass magazine, chock full of useful information from KofC insurance. Subjects of interest this month include an introduction to Knights of Columbus long-term care products and also ways to use life insurance as an estate protection strategy. To read it, click here.

Knights win Pledge of Allegiance Court Case

(MANCHESTER, NH) - The Knights of Columbus scored an important victory in federal court in New Hampshire on Wednesday, September 30, when U.S. District Judge Steven McAuliffe upheld the constitutionality of the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Atheist Michael Newdow had filed the lawsuit against the school system in Hanover, New Hampshire on behalf of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, in a case that mirrored his earlier lawsuit against schools in and near Sacramento, California.

As with the California case, the Knights of Columbus sought and received permission from the court to become a "defendant intervenor," allowing attorneys representing the Order (from the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty) to participate directly in the court proceedings.

The California case, argued before a panel of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in December 2007, has still not been decided. Read the New Hampshire court decision.