Dear Brothers,
Thank you for your support this past fraternal year. You helped raise over $10,000 to help provide wheelchairs to our Disabled Veterans, the most raised by ANY council in the state of Tennessee!
Now, I am asking for much-needed financial support to help defray the cost of upgrading the OLPH kitchen fire protection system so we may continue our principle Wheelchair Foundation fundraiser, the First Friday Fish Fry. The new fire system is necessary so that we may continue to use the deep fryers in the kitchen. We attempted October’s First Friday Fish Fry with 4-turkey fryer’s, but that is a very inadequate solution.
The Council voted to move forward and do the necessary upgrade to the OLPH fire protection system for approximately $1,800. The new system should be installed and ready for use at November’s First Friday Fish Fry.
OLPH has agreed to pay for the up-front expense of $1800. The council has agreed to pay them back from the profit of the monthly fish fry’s.
We would like to eliminate that monthly expense as quickly as possible so we can continue raising funds for the Wheelchair Foundation. We are asking you to make any size donation you can to help defray the expense of this new system.
Donations can be made out to K of C 6099 Wheel Chair Foundation and mailed to PO BOX 21481 Chattanooga TN 37424 or dropped off at the hall.
You may also give securely online with any major credit card through our council's
FirstGiving page.
Thank you for your continued support of this worthy fundraiser.
May God continue to bless.
Brother Moe Rivers