Thursday, August 6, 2009

Watch Videos from the 127th Supreme Convention

Missed the Supreme Convention coverage on EWTN? You can watch it online! Click here to see a collection of videos from the 127th Supreme Convention held this week in Arizona. Among the videos you can watch:
  • The convention Opening Mass, which includes a procession of more than 150 4th Degree Knights as well as Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Deacons.

  • Supreme Knight's Annual Report, which is a MUST SEE speech that sets a powerful tone for the Order this fraternal year and beyond.

  • States Dinner, during which you will see the Tennessee delegation singing Rocky Top, including our Worthy District Deputy Bill Markiewicz, District Master Bill Gunter, Past State Deputy Bill Wicke. You'll also see an outstanding keynote address from Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

For other stories from the 127th Supreme Convention, click here.

Supreme Knight delivers 2008-09 Annual Report

Highlighting the Order’s commitment to the defense of life, to charity and to volunteer work, as well as its solidarity with the Holy Father and the clergy, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson delivered his annual report on Aug. 4 to the 127th Supreme Convention, held in Phoenix. Click here to read more. Other highlights from the report include:

Supporting Seminarians:
4900 seminarians, postulants, novices were supported through the RSVP program to the tune of $2.9 million. More than $40 million from the program have helped support seminarians and religious since the program began in 1981. The 600th supported seminarian will be ordained priest this year.

The Order set another all-time record for charitable giving in 2008 with a 3.5% increase totaling $150 million, $5 million more than 2008. Benefactors included $1.3 million to Habitat for Humanity, $2 millions to Special Olympics. Additionally more than 15,000 wheelchairs were donated last year through the Order's partnership with the Wheelchair Foundation.
More than 68 million hours of volunteer service were given by Knights, an increase of 88,000 hours over last year with a total dollar value of $1.39 billion. Over the past decade, the Knights have donated more than $1.3 billion to charity.

The insurance program is stronger than ever, because of conservative investment strategies that put the long-term interests of members first. Investment income increased two percent to $844 million in 2008, an impressive feat under current conditions. More than $6.6 billion in insurance was sold, $222 million in death benefits paid out, and $372 million in dividends. Insurance in force currently totals more than $72 billion.
There are now 1,785,393 members of the order, a net gain of 22,211 in 2008. 4th degree totaled 310,719, an increase of 5,000 members. Sadly, 33 Brother Knights serving in the armed forces have been killed in service during the past year.

Public Policy:
The Knights put money and manpower behind efforts to pass constitutional amendments in support of traditional marriage in three states. All won, including California. The Order also stood up for religious liberty in Connecticut when Church autonomy was attacked by members of the state legistlature. Additionally, the Knights, along with others, were successful in gettng passed an additional religious exemption to the state's so-called "same sex marriage" bill in Connecticut.

Supreme Knight: Health Care Reform Must be Abortion-Free

A health care system designed to save lives on the one hand must not become a vehicle for taking lives through abortion and euthanasia,” Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson said in his annual report at the organization’s 127th annual convention today.Referring to health care legislation now being considered in the U.S. Congress, he declared that “Health care reform must be abortion-free.” Click here to read more.

Picnic and Soccer Challenge Labor Day Weekend

As we kick off the year of the family for Council 6099, please make plans to bring yours to the annual Labor Day Weekend Picnic, which will be held at the hall on Sunday, September 6, from 2 until 6 p.m. Games and swimming for the children, lots of great grilled meats for the adults and also the ANNUAL KOFC SOCCER CHALLENGE! If your child (ages 10-14) can kick a soccer ball, they are eligible to compete for the local prize and a trip to the KofC District competition later this year. Everyone welcome, everything free (except the beer)! Be there!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

From the Agency Department -- Insurance Scores Top Ratings

Two top rating firms have reaffirmed giving their highest ratings for the Knights of Columbus insurance program. Both A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s concluded this week that the 127-year-old Catholic fraternal order’s financial strength and stability remains strong despite a slumping economy. This marks the 34th consecutive year in which the Knights of Columbus has earned A.M. Best’s A++ (Superior) rating, and the 17th successive year the Order has earned the AAA (Extremely Strong) rating from S&P... Click here to read more.

Grand Knight Retires and Council Award Winners Named

The annual winners of the Council 6099 awards were announced at the Officers' Installation Banquet on July 18. Steve Reker, our council chef, was named Knight of the Year for his tremendous work in supporting council events using his extraordinary culinary and kitchen management skills. Earl Riecke was the winner of the Stumpy Award in recognition of his long-term service to Council 6099. Jason Randall officially became a Past Grand Knight, being recognized for his successful two-year term during which the council saw tremendous growth in membership and achieved the Double Star Council Award in 2007. See pictures of all the award winners here.

Welcome New Chaplain Fr. Gilbert Diaz

Holy Family Council 6099 is proud and excited to welcome Fr. Gilbert Diaz as our new Chaplain, beginning in the 2009-10 fraternal year. Fr. Diaz is the pastor of St. Stephen's Church. We thank him for agreeing to provide spiritual guidance and support to the Council in the coming year.

Also, thanks to outgoing Chaplain Fr. Tony Dickerson for his service to the council in the previous fraternal year, and prayers for success in his new assignment in Knoxville.

Holy Family Council Installs New Officers

The new fraternal year started with a new slate of officers being installed at the annual Installation Banquet, held at the hall on July 18. More than 50 brothers and and their families were on hand to witness the event. The installation was preceeded by Mass at St. Stephen's Church, presided by outgoing Chaplain Fr. Tony Dickerson, who imparted a blessing upon the elected officers in attendence at the conclusion of mass. Click here to see pictures from the Installation Banquet.