Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New documentary about JPII

Testimony is a new documentary/film about Pope John Paul II that I would like to see, based on the review.  Click here to read it.  There is also a link in the article to the official film website.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Priests on the Move

Bishop Richard Stika has announced reassignment of priests in the diocese. Click here for the entire list. Relative to 6099:
  • Fr. Mike Nolan is transferring to St. Dominic's in Kingsport.
  • Fr. Jim Vick will return to OLPH as pastor.
  • Fr. Augustine Idra, AJ, will be the new associate pastor of OLPH and Notre Dame HS chaplain (Apostles of Jesus [AJ] is an order of missionary priests in Africa. Info here).
  • Fr. Alex Waraksa heads to Holy Spirit in Soddy Daisy as part-time associate pastor
  • Our Chaplain, Fr. Tony Dickerson, will be the new associate at All Saints in Knoxville and chaplain at Knox Catholic HS.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lauren Simpson Wins Notre Dame Scholarship

Lauren Simpson, daughter of 2nd Degree Captain, Brother Mark Simpson, was awarded the Knights of Columbus Holy Family Council Notre Dame Scholarship. She was announced as the winner at the recent graduation ceremony at OLPH. Lauren, who also received OLPH school's Christian Living Award, among others, will begin her high school career at Notre Dame this fall. Proud father Brother Mark says he's proud of his girl and proud to be associated with the Knights! The Notre Dame Scholarship is awarded annually by the council and is funded by proceeds from the KofC Golf Tournament.

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Council Officer Nominations for 2009-10 Announced

The nominating committee has recommended the following Brother Knights for election to office for the 2009-2010 fraternal year. Voting for new officers will take place at the June business meeting. New officers will take over in July, the first month of the new fraternal year. Remember, other candidates for any of the offices may be taken from the floor during the business meeting. Following are the recommendations of the nominating committee:

Grand Knight: Richard Buske
Deputy Grand Knight: Victor Williams
Chancellor: Corky Evers
Warden: Wayne Collins
Recorder: Steve Horten
Advocate: Ray Fox, Jr.
Treasurer: Earl Riecke
Inside Guard: Chuck LaPlante
Inside Guard: Joe Salamone
Outside Guard: Isaac White
Outside Guard: Richard Smith
Trustee 1st Year: Jason Randall
Trustee 2nd Year: Mike Doyle
Trustee 3rd Year: Rusty Phillips

The nominating committee is chaired by FS Ron Schleifer. Members are Rusty Phillips, PGK; Allen Greenwell, Lecturer; Mike Doyle, PGK; Clarence Bodnar, PGK.

Assembly 1084 Welcomes 21 New Worthy Sirs

Twenty-one Brother Knights, including several from 6099, became Sir Knights last Saturday at the 4th Degree Exemplification sponsored by Fr. P.J. Ryan Assembly 1084. The exemplification, held in honor of new Knoxville Bishop Richard Stika, was followed by a Corporate Communion for all 4th Degree Knights and their families and a celebration banquet. Keynote speaker for the evening banquet was Vice Supreme Master Mike Horton. Also in attendance were District Master Bill Gunter, Faithful Friar Fr. Bert Glennon, Fr. Gilbert Diaz of St. Stephen's and Fr. Mike Nolan from OLPH. Among the brothers of Council 6099 who made 4th their 4th Degree were: John Bukatta, Ed Cerrantonio, Jim Costello, Richard Castle, Brad Phelps, Ken Stroop, and Isaac White.

To see pictures of the exemplification, click here. MORE PICTURES from Bro. Eugene Lansigan: click here.

Notre Dame Analysis

Links to a few great articles analyzing the president's speech at the Notre Dame commencement ceremony on Sunday and surrounding events:

George Weigel: The Real Catholic Challenge on National Review Online

Kathryn Jean Lopez: Notre Dame Says 'Yes we can' on National Review Online

Joseph Bottum: Catholic Culture and ND Protests on First Things

Friday, May 1, 2009

KCs at the Bat

The Mighty KCs already have a win under their collective belt, whipping up on the Liberty Baptists.  The taste of victory (especially one that's not a forfeit) is sweet!  Make it a point to catch a game or two.  All games are played at Jack Mattox Field.  Check out the website for directions and more:  www.catoosarec.com


Thu May 7th    6:30 field 5 vs  Noble Fellowship
                           7:30 same - double header.
Tue May 12th  6:30 field 6 vs Covenant Life Worship
Tue May 19th  8:30 field 7 vs Church at Catoosa #2
Thu May 28th  7:30 field 5 vs Covenant Life Worship

MR Weekend May 15-17

Your help is needed for MR Weekend, coming up May 15-17.  We need your help to raise money for our three charities:  Signal Centers, Orange Grove Center and AzUWer.  Knights will be stationed in two hour shifts at BI-LOs and WalMarts all over Chattanooga.  In this fraternal year, we raised a record amount of more than $15,000!  This year, lets bust that record!  Contact MR Chairman Steve Reker at 870-3630 to volunteer.  THANKS!

Pray the Rosary in May!

May is a Marian month, a month dedicated to the Blessesd Mother.  There is no better way to celebrate the month than by praying the Rosary.  All brother Knights and their families are encouraged to pray the HOLY ROSARY at St. Stephen's Church and OLPH before each Sunday Mass during the month of May. Celebrate our Blessed Mother and come to know the mysteries of Christ by praying together with your family and other parishoners.
Pope John Paul II called the Rosary “a prayer of great significance, destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness.”  As Knights, we are called to participate and help promote this most important and beneficial Catholic devotion.  If you would like to help lead the Rosary at either parish, your help is needed.  To volunteer, click here to e-mail Richard Smith for OLPH and click here to e-mail Warren White for St. Stephen's.  

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.