Saturday, February 28, 2009

Notre Dame HS scholarship applications now available.

If you are a member in good standing of Holy Family Council 6099 and have a child about to graduate 8th grade and go to Notre Dame High School, you may want to apply for the council's Notre Dame Academic Scholarship Program. The first-year amount of the scholarship is $3,000, with $700 thereafter based upon the student's academic performance. Click here to see the qualifications and other facts about the scholarship program. Click here to print the scholarship application form. The deadline for applications is March 31.

Council Scores Record Pork Sales

With all the negative talk about pork these days, here's an instance where more is definitely better. The council sold a record number of pork loins this year during our Super Bowl Pork Loin Sale for Pro Life. Mike Doyle and helpers scored more than 220 loin sales, raising more than $2,500 for the council pro-life activity fund. Thanks to everyone who bought and those who helped with the grilling and distribution on Super Bowl Sunday. If you want to see the pictures, click here.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Interesting article...

by George Weigal at National Review online commenting on House Speaker's meeting with Benedict XVI. Click here.

Valentine's Dance One Swingin' Night!

If you missed it, you missed a heck of a dance! About 200 or so folks showed up for the big Valentine's Day Dance at St. Stephen's Church on Valentine's night. The entertainment was swing music, provided by Sweet Georgia Sound, and it was smokin'! The dance floor was never empty as folks got up to work off the excellent rosemary chicken entree' prepared by Council Chef Steve Reker and his kitchen crew. Also thanks to the Ladies Auxiliary, which prepared a dazzling array of delicious deserts for the night. Click here to see what you missed or see what you looked like that night! Thanks to Council Director Tom Dematteo and everyone who helped make the night a great big success. UPDATE: The dance raised more than $1,200 for the council's charitable activities!

Check out the video! Sweet Georgia Sound Swings!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Second Distribution from Council MR Fund

Council 6099 recently distributed an additional $3000 to Signal Centers and to AzUWer from MR Funds.  Thanks to lots of volunteer time from our Brother Knights organized by MR Director Steve Reker, (pictured with Signal Centers CEO Donna McConnico and Ben, a student the children's center) the council has raised a record amount for the fund this year, totaling over $15,000, and the year isn't over yet.  Remember, the parish drives at St. Stephen and OLPH will take place in March.  When you are asked to participate, please step up and do your part to help those who need it most.

February Fish Fry one of the best ever!

Around 200 attended the February First Friday Fish Fry, sponsored by 6099 and the OLPH Home and School Association. The fish was delicious as always and Brother Steve Horton livened up the proceedings by manning the Bingo ball for the Home and School Association Bingo fundraiser. The best part was that the council raised nearly $900 for the Wheelchair Foundation, pushing the total raised so far this year to almost $12,000, which is enough to purchase a large crate of Wheelchairs for disabled veterans in Tenneessee with some leftover to work on another. Click here to see pictures.

If you like fish fries, get ready, because 6099 will host a fish fry each Friday at OLPH during Lent. Ash Wednesday is February 25, so mark your calendars now!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Recruit a Relative in February

In February we celebrate love, so what better time for you to ask someone you love to become a Knight!  This month, "Recruit a Relative" and give them the opportunity to have the "Experience of a Lifetime."  Invite the practical Catholic men in your family to come to Social Night on Monday, February 16 to enjoy a great meal, meet Brother Knights and discover ways to serve God in the areas of Church, community, youth, family and fraternity. Bring your relatives and let's get them signed up!  Have them bring a check or cash for dues ($50).  Find out more by calling Membership Director Allen Greenwell at 899-3981 or e-mail him.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Pope goes online!

Check out the Holy Father's new YouTube video channel from The Vatican. There are more than 30 videos to check out, plus lots of news features and the option to subscribe to updates. Choose from 4 languages (English included, of course). Click here to check it out!

Be excellent to our seminarians!

Check out the excellent challenge from Deacon Paul Nelson, the current State Vocations Consultant. He's challenging councils to "be excellent to our seminarians". This is a great call to action for February Vocations Month. Click here to read his note on the front page of the new State Council website, and take time to check out the great redesign.