Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another Day that Lives in Infamy

January 22, the anniversary of the evil that was thrust upon this country in Roe v. Wade, is upon us and the fight is hotter than ever.  Those in charge in our country are now the abortion-friendly, and looking roll back the significant achievments scored by the pro-life movement over the last several years.  Brothers, we must take action by being active promoters of the social agenda of the Church and the concept of the seamless garment life, from conception to natural death. Birth is where it all starts!

You can start to by taking the fight to the powers that be:
  1. PRAY!  Pray the Rosary for the pro-life movement, pray for a change of heart within the government.  Say a Novena for Life (click here). Prayer is the Knight's sword.  You carry a Rosary. DON'T BE AFRAID TO USE IT!
  2. Educate yourself:  Find out more about the evil represented by FOCA, the so-called "Freedom of Choice Act", and sign the petition against it by clicking here.  See for yourelf the objectionable parts of the administration's social agenda by clicking here.  
  3. Write congressmen and senators.  Tell them we will give no quarter to those who would promote the murder of the most innocent.  Click here to find your congressman.  Click here to contact your senators.  Use EVERY MEANS to contact those who can make difference--letters, post cards, email, text messages.  You can be assured the opposition will do the same!
  4. Write the White House:  Click here to send an email to the White House through the American Family Association.
  5. Tell everyone you know:  If you get a pro-life e-mail, forward it.  If you find a good pro-life website or article on the internet, forward it and share it.  Discuss it and debate it! Have kids?  Visit the KofC Fathers for Good website to listen to a podcast about how to pass on Pro Life message to your children (click here).  Information is armament! The more who know, the more soldiers to fight the efforts of the opposition.
Take time on Thursday, January 22 to remember the significance of day by attending a special PRO LIFE MASS at St. Jude, 7:00 p.m.  Wear your Knight's shirt, your pin or any other button that will identify you as a Knight of Columbus.  There is power in numbers, especially when others recognize us!  TAKE ACTION!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Get tickets now for the KofC Valentine's Day Dance!

If you have a sweetheart and are looking for a good time on February 14, make sure you get tickets to the Knights of Columbus Valentines Day Dance, featuring live, big band swing from Sweet Georgia Sound.  The dance will begin at 7:00 pm on Saturday, February 14 at St. Stephen’s Church, located on Lee Highway. 

Tickets are on sale now for just $20 each, $40 per couple.  Full tables for eight may be reserved for $130.  Call the Knights of Columbus at 899-9989 to reserve tickets or call Tom DeMatteo at 902-1956. 

Besides live swing and a dance floor, the admission price also includes a freshly prepared dinner, as well as hors d’oeuvres. BYOB! Free setups and door prizes will also be available.  

SPECIAL KNIGHT'S NIGHT HOTEL PACKAGE! The Fairfield Inn by Marriott will offer a limited number of special-rate rooms for dance patrons, just $65 a night, a $30 discount from the regular price.  Located almost across the street from St. Stephen's, it would be a great way to extend your romantic weekend!  Only 20 rooms available, so call the hotel at 499-3800 and reference the Knights of Columbus.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Video of Bishop-Elect Stika's Introduction

Thanks to alert brother Mark Simpson for finding this link to video of Bishop-Elect Richard Stika's introduction to the diocese. Click here to view it.  Also, click here to see his message to the youth of the diocese on the blog Whispers in the Loggia.  Just scan down the page for a bit until you see the video viewer. 

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pope Benedict XVI names new Bishop of Knoxville

Pope Benedict XVI has named Rev. Monsignor Richard F. Stika, 51, from the Archdiocese of St. Louis to be the third Bishop of Knoxville. Since his ordination to the priesthood in 1985, Bishop-elect Stika, a 4th degree Knight, has served both in pastoral and archdiocesan leadership roles, including chancellor and vicar general for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. He is currently the pastor of the Church of the Annunziata in Ladue, Mo.

He was introduced at a press conference in Knoxville this morning. He will be installed as bishop on March 19 at the Knoxville Convention Center. To read the full story from the Knoxville News Sentinal, click here. To find out more facts and figures about the new bishop, click here. Thanks to Chancellor Victor Williams for the news alert!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Why cook on Super Sunday? Get a Pork Loin for Pro-Life!

The 9th annual Pro-Life Pork Loin sale is on! You can get a barbequed boneless pork loin hot off the grill in time for the game on Super Bowl Sunday! Only $20 for a prepared pork loin, with gravy for $2 and fried wings for 50 cents each. All proceeds benefit the council's Pro-Life Fund. Sign up for yours after mass at St. Stephens and OLPH on January 17/18 and 24/25.

Orders can be picked up on Sunday, February 1 (SUPER SUNDAY) between 12n and 4p. Buy one (or two, or three or more) for yourself and TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Support Pro-Life!

KofC Insurance is a pillar of strength

Monthly Knights of Columbus Insurance update from Field Agent Andy Simms...

As most of you are already aware, the Knights of Columbus boasts one of the North America’s strongest and proven insurance programs. A.M Best Research, in its ranking of the top 200 Life Insurance companies in the U.S., showed the Knights of Columbus as the 49th largest company based on total assets. For the 16th year in a row, Standard and Poors issued us a AAA rating, its highest rating available, for financial strength. A.M. Best Research followed that up by reaffirming our A++ rating, its highest available rating. Needless to say, those whose business it is to determine the financial stability of insurance companies believe that the Knights of Columbus is a reliable place to invest in the security of your families. READ MORE...

Supreme Knight's comments on the death of Fr. Richard John Neuhaus

Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson called the death of Father Richard John Neuhaus “a great loss for people of every faith.” Neuhaus died on Thursday, Jan.8, at the age of 72 of complications from cancer. READ MORE...