Tuesday, November 24, 2009

You're invited to Light Up For Christ December 1st!

You and your family and friends are invited to the third annual LIGHT UP FOR CHRIST event. Hosted each year by Holy Family Council, "Light Up" celebrates the true meaning of the Christmas season before the rush begins. The event will be held at the Council Hall, 7615 Lee Highway, beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 1.

Enjoy caroling, a chili and fixins’ bar, hot chocolate and holiday treats to get into the spirit of the season along with a candlelight blessing service and Christmas tree lighting ceremony. You'll also hear Christmas music selections from singer Mary Catherine McConnell. The event is free! Donations of canned food items will be accepted for the Chattanooga Food Bank. Invite your family and friends and get into the spirit of the season!

Click here to relive some memories of last year's Light Up event!

Thanksgiving: a Catholic Holiday!

Neat take on Thanksgiving from the blog of a converted former Anglican priest:

"The history books will tell you that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the pilgrims in 1621. Not true. An interesting bit of trivia is that the first American Thanksgiving was actually celebrated on September 8, 1565 in St. Augustine, Florida..." read more

Dressing up the Grotto

Several intrepid brothers of 6099 were up early last Saturday doing some serious beautification work on the Holy Family Grotto in front the hall. Guys improved the walkway, planted new bushes down either side, and topped it all off with the addition of two live 6-foot fir trees on either side (perfect for Lighting Up!). It was an all day project, but when you look at the pictures, you'll see that the effort was well worth it. Thanks to all of the guys who were able to pitch in and get 'er done!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Must-read stuff from the Bishop of Providence

Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, RI, writes a TERRIFIC response to public statements by Congressman Patrick Kennedy regarding the Magisterium and abortion. This is an excellent treatise by the bishop on exactly what it means to be Catholic. Click here and take notes!

The Bishops, a congresswoman and the IRS

Here's a little note from a congresswoman regarding the bishops fight against abortion funding in healthcare. This'll boil your coffee. Click here.

Fight not over on healthcare abortion amendment

There's a lot of metaphorical high-fiving among pro-life advocates regarding the so-called Stupak amendement in the recently-passed house version of a national healthcare bill. But, as this article makes clear, the battle on that front is far from over.

6099 on call for Newschannel 9's Coats for Kids

6099 is among five councils in Districts 12 and 13 participating in the Coats for Kids Drive, sponsored by NewsChannel 9, Wal Mart and First Tennessee. Organizers of the promotion expect more than 8,000 coats will be donated for children and adults in need who may not be able to afford coats for the winter. The Knights of Columbus are full partners in this event, acting as "Knights on call" to pick up coats from participating sponsors and cleaners.

We're already having an impact in peoples lives, according to the following story from a Salvation Army social worker:

"(After) picking up 25 coats earlier in the day, we were able to give 12 away within an hour after pick up. We assisted a family of 17 for utility assistance. They have 15 children and were in need of coats, so this could not have come at a better time!! I can't thank you enough for bringing so much joy to the family we assisted today. What perfect timing!!! "

That's what it's all about! This promotion continues through the end of the year. Look for posters, newspaper ads and TV announcements with the Knights of Columbus logo!

Thanks to the following Brother Knights of 6099 who are "ON CALL" for Coats: Ray Bertani, Chuck LaPlante, Richard Smith, Willie Mahn, Jon Parkey, Moe Rivers, Allen Greenwell, Jim Costello, Warren White, Ray Fox, Jr., Corky Evers and Mike Lucas.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Get your Fright On this Saturday!

Get ready for the FRIGHT NIGHT Halloween Dance this Saturday from 7p - Midnight at the hall. Treat yourself and your date to delicious Halloween treats from Chef Steve, and freaky rock n' roll tunes by Plum Krazy Entertainment. And, as always, best costume gets a cool prize! You are all about the F-U-N, so be there on Halloween night! Only $20 a couple to support your council AND have the spookiest fun of your life! DON'T MISS IT!

Welcome New Brothers Knights!

The council hosted a First Degree exemplification on October 14. Five new brother knights received the honors and began their journey toward full knighthood. Pictured with Grand Knight Richard Buske from left are Matt Robinson, Richard Kozlowski (new member of Council 11424 in Dayton), Jay Hudson, Bob Adney and Roger Fiske. Whenever you see them, welcome them aboard and offer your support.

6099 Hosts Bishop, Bienville Province Dinner

Bishop of Knoxville Richard Sticka was chief among honored guests of the Bienville Province Dinner, hosted at the Hall on October 24th. More than 70 sir knights and wives were in attendance, all treated to a delicious Chef Steve meal served by the 4th Degree Knights of Assembly 1084. Bienville Province of the 4th Degree includes five states (Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana). Guests included district masters and state deputies from all five states, new Vice Supreme Master Skip Gentle, and Retired Col. Charles Gallina, PSD, Director of Military and Veterans affairs at Supreme Council. FVSM Mike Horten was the emcee for the evening. To see pictures from the event, click here.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Good News: Possible Eurcharistic Miracle

Check out the news from Bialystock, Poland about what may be an authentic Eucharistic miracle, the nature of which is very similar to that of the famous Lanciano miracle in 756. It has been thoroughly investigated and presented for validation. Authentic or not, it will point you toward the truth of the Real Presence. Click here to read about it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Special Appeal to Support Wheelchair Foundation

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for your support this past fraternal year. You helped raise over $10,000 to help provide wheelchairs to our Disabled Veterans, the most raised by ANY council in the state of Tennessee!

Now, I am asking for much-needed financial support to help defray the cost of upgrading the OLPH kitchen fire protection system so we may continue our principle Wheelchair Foundation fundraiser, the First Friday Fish Fry. The new fire system is necessary so that we may continue to use the deep fryers in the kitchen. We attempted October’s First Friday Fish Fry with 4-turkey fryer’s, but that is a very inadequate solution.

The Council voted to move forward and do the necessary upgrade to the OLPH fire protection system for approximately $1,800. The new system should be installed and ready for use at November’s First Friday Fish Fry.

OLPH has agreed to pay for the up-front expense of $1800. The council has agreed to pay them back from the profit of the monthly fish fry’s.

We would like to eliminate that monthly expense as quickly as possible so we can continue raising funds for the Wheelchair Foundation. We are asking you to make any size donation you can to help defray the expense of this new system.

Donations can be made out to K of C 6099 Wheel Chair Foundation and mailed to PO BOX 21481 Chattanooga TN 37424 or dropped off at the hall. You may also give securely online with any major credit card through our council's FirstGiving page. CLICK HERE TO GIVE ONLINE.

Thank you for your continued support of this worthy fundraiser.
May God continue to bless.

Brother Moe Rivers

Pray the Rosary in October!

October is a Marian month, a month dedicated to the Blessesd Mother. There is no better way to celebrate the month than by praying the Rosary. All brother Knights and their families are encouraged to pray the HOLY ROSARY at St. Stephen's Church and OLPH before each Sunday Mass during the month of October. Celebrate our Blessed Mother and come to know the mysteries of Christ by praying together with your family and other parishoners.

Pope John Paul II called the Rosary “a prayer of great significance, destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness.” As Knights, we are called to participate and help promote this most important and beneficial Catholic devotion. If you would like to help lead the Rosary at either parish, your help is needed. To volunteer, click here to e-mail Richard Smith for OLPH and click here to e-mail Warren White for St. Stephen's.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.

Fraternal Compass Fall Edition

General Agent Daniel Schachle has distributed the fall edition of Fraternal Compass magazine, chock full of useful information from KofC insurance. Subjects of interest this month include an introduction to Knights of Columbus long-term care products and also ways to use life insurance as an estate protection strategy. To read it, click here.

Knights win Pledge of Allegiance Court Case

(MANCHESTER, NH) - The Knights of Columbus scored an important victory in federal court in New Hampshire on Wednesday, September 30, when U.S. District Judge Steven McAuliffe upheld the constitutionality of the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Atheist Michael Newdow had filed the lawsuit against the school system in Hanover, New Hampshire on behalf of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, in a case that mirrored his earlier lawsuit against schools in and near Sacramento, California.

As with the California case, the Knights of Columbus sought and received permission from the court to become a "defendant intervenor," allowing attorneys representing the Order (from the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty) to participate directly in the court proceedings.

The California case, argued before a panel of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in December 2007, has still not been decided. Read the New Hampshire court decision.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The First Friday Fish Fry is Back!

After a couple of months hiatus to deal with a fire hazard, the famous Holy Family Council First Friday Fish Fry is back this Friday, October 2nd in the OLPH Parish Life Center, starting at 6:00p! Attend First Friday Mass at 5:30, then come on over to the PLC for a batch of delicious fried fish and all the fixin's - all you can eat for a $5.00 donation to the Wheelchair Foundation. In the last fraternal year, Holy Family Council raised more than $11,000 for the Wheelchair Foundation, which was enough to purchase nearly 200 wheelchairs for people who would otherwise have no way to get around. That's great, but we can do even better in this fraternal year!! YOU CAN HELP by volunteering to be on the cooking crew or simply bringing your friends and family to have a plate of fish! To-go orders available! DON'T MISS IT!!

Get ready to get your FRIGHT on!

There is absolutely no way that anyone should miss the FRIGHT NIGHT Halloween Dance on October 31 from 7p - Midnight at the hall. Why would you miss it? Because you don't want delicious Halloween treats from Chef Steve? Maybe you don't like to rock n' roll all night to great tunes by Plum Krazy Entertainment? Don't like to dress up in a cool Halloween costume and win a prize? WELL, THAT'S NOT YOU! You are all about the F-U-N, so you and your best girl will be there on Halloween night and happily pay $20 a couple to support your council AND have the spookiest fun of your life! Right? Right! So, now you know -- DON'T MISS IT!

Holy Family Council Featured in Print!

Check out your PRINTED edition of the September Columbia magazine, as 6099 is mentioned again in the Knights In Action section in the back of the magazine. Don't remember what it looks like? Click here to see, but it's the one with Babe Ruth and Vince Lombardi on the front.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Watch Videos from the 127th Supreme Convention

Missed the Supreme Convention coverage on EWTN? You can watch it online! Click here to see a collection of videos from the 127th Supreme Convention held this week in Arizona. Among the videos you can watch:
  • The convention Opening Mass, which includes a procession of more than 150 4th Degree Knights as well as Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Deacons.

  • Supreme Knight's Annual Report, which is a MUST SEE speech that sets a powerful tone for the Order this fraternal year and beyond.

  • States Dinner, during which you will see the Tennessee delegation singing Rocky Top, including our Worthy District Deputy Bill Markiewicz, District Master Bill Gunter, Past State Deputy Bill Wicke. You'll also see an outstanding keynote address from Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

For other stories from the 127th Supreme Convention, click here.

Supreme Knight delivers 2008-09 Annual Report

Highlighting the Order’s commitment to the defense of life, to charity and to volunteer work, as well as its solidarity with the Holy Father and the clergy, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson delivered his annual report on Aug. 4 to the 127th Supreme Convention, held in Phoenix. Click here to read more. Other highlights from the report include:

Supporting Seminarians:
4900 seminarians, postulants, novices were supported through the RSVP program to the tune of $2.9 million. More than $40 million from the program have helped support seminarians and religious since the program began in 1981. The 600th supported seminarian will be ordained priest this year.

The Order set another all-time record for charitable giving in 2008 with a 3.5% increase totaling $150 million, $5 million more than 2008. Benefactors included $1.3 million to Habitat for Humanity, $2 millions to Special Olympics. Additionally more than 15,000 wheelchairs were donated last year through the Order's partnership with the Wheelchair Foundation.
More than 68 million hours of volunteer service were given by Knights, an increase of 88,000 hours over last year with a total dollar value of $1.39 billion. Over the past decade, the Knights have donated more than $1.3 billion to charity.

The insurance program is stronger than ever, because of conservative investment strategies that put the long-term interests of members first. Investment income increased two percent to $844 million in 2008, an impressive feat under current conditions. More than $6.6 billion in insurance was sold, $222 million in death benefits paid out, and $372 million in dividends. Insurance in force currently totals more than $72 billion.
There are now 1,785,393 members of the order, a net gain of 22,211 in 2008. 4th degree totaled 310,719, an increase of 5,000 members. Sadly, 33 Brother Knights serving in the armed forces have been killed in service during the past year.

Public Policy:
The Knights put money and manpower behind efforts to pass constitutional amendments in support of traditional marriage in three states. All won, including California. The Order also stood up for religious liberty in Connecticut when Church autonomy was attacked by members of the state legistlature. Additionally, the Knights, along with others, were successful in gettng passed an additional religious exemption to the state's so-called "same sex marriage" bill in Connecticut.

Supreme Knight: Health Care Reform Must be Abortion-Free

A health care system designed to save lives on the one hand must not become a vehicle for taking lives through abortion and euthanasia,” Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson said in his annual report at the organization’s 127th annual convention today.Referring to health care legislation now being considered in the U.S. Congress, he declared that “Health care reform must be abortion-free.” Click here to read more.

Picnic and Soccer Challenge Labor Day Weekend

As we kick off the year of the family for Council 6099, please make plans to bring yours to the annual Labor Day Weekend Picnic, which will be held at the hall on Sunday, September 6, from 2 until 6 p.m. Games and swimming for the children, lots of great grilled meats for the adults and also the ANNUAL KOFC SOCCER CHALLENGE! If your child (ages 10-14) can kick a soccer ball, they are eligible to compete for the local prize and a trip to the KofC District competition later this year. Everyone welcome, everything free (except the beer)! Be there!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

From the Agency Department -- Insurance Scores Top Ratings

Two top rating firms have reaffirmed giving their highest ratings for the Knights of Columbus insurance program. Both A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s concluded this week that the 127-year-old Catholic fraternal order’s financial strength and stability remains strong despite a slumping economy. This marks the 34th consecutive year in which the Knights of Columbus has earned A.M. Best’s A++ (Superior) rating, and the 17th successive year the Order has earned the AAA (Extremely Strong) rating from S&P... Click here to read more.

Grand Knight Retires and Council Award Winners Named

The annual winners of the Council 6099 awards were announced at the Officers' Installation Banquet on July 18. Steve Reker, our council chef, was named Knight of the Year for his tremendous work in supporting council events using his extraordinary culinary and kitchen management skills. Earl Riecke was the winner of the Stumpy Award in recognition of his long-term service to Council 6099. Jason Randall officially became a Past Grand Knight, being recognized for his successful two-year term during which the council saw tremendous growth in membership and achieved the Double Star Council Award in 2007. See pictures of all the award winners here.

Welcome New Chaplain Fr. Gilbert Diaz

Holy Family Council 6099 is proud and excited to welcome Fr. Gilbert Diaz as our new Chaplain, beginning in the 2009-10 fraternal year. Fr. Diaz is the pastor of St. Stephen's Church. We thank him for agreeing to provide spiritual guidance and support to the Council in the coming year.

Also, thanks to outgoing Chaplain Fr. Tony Dickerson for his service to the council in the previous fraternal year, and prayers for success in his new assignment in Knoxville.

Holy Family Council Installs New Officers

The new fraternal year started with a new slate of officers being installed at the annual Installation Banquet, held at the hall on July 18. More than 50 brothers and and their families were on hand to witness the event. The installation was preceeded by Mass at St. Stephen's Church, presided by outgoing Chaplain Fr. Tony Dickerson, who imparted a blessing upon the elected officers in attendence at the conclusion of mass. Click here to see pictures from the Installation Banquet.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

REMINDER: Luau for MR this Saturday!

The first big event for the MR fund this fraternal year is coming up this Saturday, August 1--the 7th Annual LUAU. The fun starts this Saturday at 7pm at the hall. Admission is $15 a person. Plan now to come and get your island funkiness on with dance music from DJ Plum Krazy. Or, if you prefer tropical chillin', check out the LIVE acoustic set on the back patio. Island-themed food will be provided with admission prepared special by Chef Steve. ALSO there will be a BEST ISLAND OUTFIT award and the infamous LIMBO contest! This is THE par-tay of the year and a big fundraiser for the MR Foundation and our supported charties--Signal Centers, Orange Grove Center and AzUwer.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Brothers -- Meet Klara Collins!

Please allow me to introduce you to the new little joy of my life -- Klara Regina Collins (note the cleverly placed "K" and "C"). She was born on Friday, July 10 at 3:15pm, and weighed in at 7 lbs, 13 oz. and a whopping 20 inches long. Unlike her old man, she's tall, thin and a little bit blonde. All is well at birth +3 right now. Her only issue is a bit of a cleft palate, a common affliction among children, particularly girls. It is a genetic thing that can be repaired nicely with some surgery in a few months, and fortunately, Chattanooga is THE best place in the world to get that kind of thing done. In the meantime she's got a lot of other stuff to accomplish! After the parents get our sea legs under us, we'll start showing her off. Thanks to all of you for the prayers and well-wishes, and we hope you'll continue to offer prayers for us and her as she explores her new world!

PS: Find out more about the Craniofacial Foundation of America at T.C. Thompson Children's Hospital: http://www.craniofacialfoundation.org . A fundraising opportunity? You bet!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Players, Sponsors Needed for Golf Tournament

The 19th annual John Knight/Don Kohl Charity Golf Tournament is coming Saturday, September 12. Your help is still needed to help make this tournament the best it can be. Last year, the council almost broke the $10,000 fundraising barrier. This year, we can do better. But we can't do it without YOU! Here are some ways you can help:
  • PLAY ON A TEAM OR RECRUIT A TEAM: There is room for 144 players in the tournament and the faster it fills up, the better. $80 per player entry fee

  • FIND A SPONSOR OR BE A SPONSOR: Recruit a hole sponsor or become a cart sponsor yourself (just $50!). Email Ron for more info.

  • HELP!: Volunteer your time to help on the day of the tournament. We need help with organization of prizes, food, etc.

There is plenty of room for you to be involved. Remember, tee time is 8 am. To play, sponsor or volunteer, e-mail tournament chairman Ron Schleifer.

Let's Get Busy!

It's the first quarter of the new fraternal year and we have a big schedule coming up. Mark your calendars for the following dates:
  • July 18: Mass and Officer Installation Banquet (5:30 Mass/6:30 Social Hour. FREE!)
  • July 25: State Council Kickoff Meeting in Lenoir City
  • July 25: Farewell Cookout for Frs. Mike and Alex at OLPH (6pm)
  • July 29: District Kickoff Meeting at 6099 (7pm)
  • Aug. 1: Council Luau for the MR Fund, at the hall.
  • Aug. 22: Brewfest to benefit Kids on the Block (Downtown Riverfront)
  • Sep. 12: John Knight/Don Kohl Golf Tournament (Brainerd GCC)
  • Sep. 13: Exemplification of 2nd Degree, at the hall, 2pm
  • Sep. 19: Exemplification of 3rd Degree at 610
That's a load of stuff to do, and we need YOU to be a part! Don't forget you can always check the calendar on the website (below this blog) for the latest on event times and locations.

Family of the Month for July

Congratulations to Brother John Vannuci and his family for being named Holy Family Council's "Family of the Month" for July. The Vannuci's were celebrated for going above and beyond the call of duty in volunteering to work the Riverbend Festival in June, working double-shifts and even stepping up to help when they weren't scheduled to do. Thank you, Brother John and family for doing MORE than your share!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Meet your Program Directors

With the new fraternal year comes new Program Directors for the council. This year's Directors are:

Youth: John Vanucci
Council: Isaac White
Family: George Ames
Church, OLPH: Joe Reinert
Church, St. Stephen's: Warren White
Community: John Stamoulis
Membership: Jim Costello
Pro-Life: Clarence Bodnar
MR Foundation: Ken Stroop
Hall Rentals: Walt Vamprine
Wheelchair Fdtn.: Moe Rivers
Food for the Poor: Rich Castle
52 Club: Earl Reicke
Devotionals: Richard Smith
Golf Tournament: Ron Schleifer
Faith Program: George Bercaw
Chef: Steve Reker
Interactive: Richard Smith/Wayne Collins

BUILDING AND GROUNDS Director is still open and a volunteer is needed. Please contact Deputy Grand Knight Victor Williams if you are willing to take on this critical position.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

That's right. A new fraternal year begins with Monday's July business meeting (starting with Rosary at 7pm. Don't miss it!). We have a new set of officers and lots of activities coming up to fill out the summer and the remainder of 2009. One of the first official functions of the new year will be the Officers Installation Banquet, which will be held Saturday, July 18, at the hall. There is NO CHARGE for the meal, so bring the family for a Chef Steve Special on the council! Social hour starts at 6:30 with dinner and installation at 7:30. Please be there and start the new year right!

OFFICERS FOR 2009-2010:
Grand Knight: Richard Buske
Deputy Grand Knight: Victor Williams
Chancellor: Corky Evers
Warden: Wayne Collins
Recorder: Steve Horten
Advocate: Ray Fox, Jr.
Treasurer: Earl Riecke
Inside Guard: Chuck LaPlante
Inside Guard: Joe Salamone
Outside Guard: Isaac White
Outside Guard: Richard Smith
Trustee 3 Year: Jason Randall
Trustee 2 Year: Mike Doyle
Trustee 1 Year: Rusty Phillips

New Feature: Church in the News Podcasts from Catholic Answers

Check out the top box on the right side and you'll see a new blog feature. I've added the Catholic Answers "The Church in the News Roundup". If you're familiar with Catholic Answers, you know it's one of the best apologetics and education programs on the radio (or internet at http://www.catholic.com/). Host Patrick Coffin hosts a bi-weekly compendium dealing with Church and the media, and many times there are stories you will hear nowhere else. The program is an hour long, but worth your time. The program will be updated as they are produced. To listen, just click on the play button (the little green triangle by the green bar) on the audio player under the box headline.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thoughts from a KofC High Seas Hero for Independence Day

Francis X. Castellano, the commanding officer of the USS Bainbridge, directed the operations that resulted in the dramatic rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips from Somali pirates who took him captive from his ship, the Maersk Alabama, on Easter Sunday this year. Cmdr. Castellano has been a Knight of Columbus for more than 20 years (starting in Memphis and Germantown in Tennessee). Click here to read about his experiences, his thoughts on family, faith and being a Brother Knight.

KofC Targeted for Supporting Church Teaching

KofC is once again a target for all the right reasons, this time in a "man-bites-dog" kind of way. Rogue priest attacks KofC. Click here for full story from CNA. Thanks for Brother Richard Smith for pointing it out. Official response from Pat Korton, VP of Communications at Supreme Council, and I think he speaks for all of us:

“We proudly stand with Pope Benedict XVI and the bishops and priests who are in communion with him, and stand with him on marriage,” Korten told CNA. “Not only is that not ‘dirty work,’ it is, in fact, the work of Christ and his Church. We have been supporting the Pope and our bishops for 127 years. We have no intention of changing that.”

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fathers Day, Beer and the Church of England

Seen on Curt Jester Catholic blog, a story about a Fathers' Day service in St. Stephen's CofE Church:

[The Rt Rev John Inge, the Bishop of Worcester] argued that the free beer was intended to be symbolic of "the generosity of God".

Men at St Stephen's church in Barbourne, Worcester, will be handed bottles of beer by children during the service. A prayer will be said for the fathers before the gifts are distributed.

The Ven Roger Morris, archdeacon of Worcester, who will be leading the service at St Stephen's today, said that it was a practical way of sending a message to fathers.

"I don't see any other time that we can stop and remember fathers, and this is a gesture saying 'Here's something that will bless you,'" he said.[reference]

Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary use beer.

The story illicited the following response:

By John V on June 23, 2009 10:39 PM

Blessing of Beer
P. Our help is in the name of the Lord.

All. Who made heaven and earth.

P. The Lord be with you.

All. May he also be with you.

Let us pray.

Lord, bless + this creature, beer, which by Your kindness and power has been produced from kernels of grain, and let it be a healthful drink for mankind. Grant that whoever drinks it with thanksgiving to your holy name may find it a help in body and in soul; through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

The beer is sprinkled with holy water.

--From the 1964 Roman Ritual, VIII:5
Seen a few years ago at Shrine of the Holy Whapping

Pancakes this Sunday at OLPH!

Bring your family to this Sunday's PANCAKE BREAKFAST FOR FOOD FOR THE POOR, 7-11a in the OLPH PLC. This month, we'll feature Brother Rich Castle's KICKIN' 7-UP PANCAKES. If you haven't had them, you don't know what you're missing! Only $3.00 for all you can eat pancakes! Sausage, OJ, Milk and all the fixin's included! Last fraternal year, Holy Family Council raised more than $16,000 for Food for the Poor, enough to build 16 houses for families in need. THANK YOU! We can do it again!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tragedy for Diocese of Knoxville Family

Please pray for the repose of the soul of long-time Bishop's assistant for the Diocese, Nancy Feist, a mother of five , who died suddenly Friday night at 43, along with the sixth child she was expecting in September with her husband, Dave, an elementary school teacher in the East Tennessee church. Read more... Also, click here to read her obituary

New Mass for Life approved by Bishops

This is an idea whose time came a long time ago. Click here to read more.

Mark Your Calendar:

  • CATHOLIC MENS' FAITH NIGHT, MONDAY, JUNE 22: Brother George continues his Catholic learning series at the hall at 7p.
  • FOOD FOR THE POOR PANCAKE BREAKFAST AT OLPH, SUNDAY, JUNE 28: $3.00 all you can eat pancakes this Sunday in the PLC from 7:30 until 11:30a
  • FAMILY PICNIC, SUNDAY, JUNE 28: St. Stephens. Time change to 5:00pm to dusk. If you have a pop-up canopy tent, please bring it.
  • FIRST DEGREE, WEDNESDAY JULY 1: This is the first First Degree exemplification of the new fraternal year. Recruit a candidate and be an observer! Starts at 6:30p at the hall. Candidates should be there by 6p.
See other upcoming dates on the website calendar below this blogspace.

Happy Fathers' Day!

The title says it all! If you are a dad, or you have a dad still with you, make sure you take time to make today a family day, and celebrate the gift of fatherhood and the importance of fathers to our society and the common good. Edify yourself with a few of the following fatherhood links:

Speaking of Fathers...

In case you don't know, June 19th, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, was the official start of the Year of the Priest as proclaimed to the Church worldwide by Pope Benedict. Council 6099 is famous for supporting our priests through our (now award-winning) can collections to support our seminarians as well as through support and assistance in parish activities and continued prayer. As Knights, we must continue to support our priests and be ready to offer our collective and individual "YES" when asked to lend them our aid. If you're interested in learning more about the Church's official celebration year of the Priesthood, here are a few links you may want to check out:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Demise of Fatherhood?

This is an extraordinarily insightful article on First Things into the ever-sorrier state of fatherhood in our country (and the rest of the world, for that matter). As a new father, this whole article spoke to me -- disturbing, hopeful and challenging all at the same time while speaking to the Catholic understanding of true freedom. Those of you with fatherhood under your belt already, you'll be nodding right along with it. It's marginally long, but worth every word you read,

"I would like to propose that the demise of fatherhood is largely the result of a relatively recent and thoroughly unjustifiable faith in rational self-determination. Indeed, nearly all of the culprits that cultural observers have previously identified—contraceptives, abortion, women’s liberation, increased secularity, the usurpation of the functions of the father by the state—can probably best be understood as instances of this more general tendency... " READ MORE.

Come to the Council Family Picnic!

Come one, come all to the last family event of the fraternal year! Come to the Knights of Columbus Holy Family Picnic, Sunday, June 28, 5p - dusk at St. Stephen's Church. This will be full afternoon of family fun and free food and drink for all! Games for kids of all ages, or bring your own bats and balls, croquet sets, horseshoes or lawn darts -- whatever says FUN to you! Also, if we get enough interest, the Knights of OLPH and St. Jude will play St. Stephen's Knights in a winner-take-all softball matchup that will leave you wanting more (or something to that effect). Mark your calendars now and be there!

Thanks to Fr. McGivney's Holy Family Singers at OLPH

An enthusiastic choir of Knights sang at the 10:00 Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish on Sunday, June 14th. They included Andres Alisago, George Ames, Wayne Collins, Frank Delaney, Russ Ferguson, Allen Greenwell, Steve Reker, Isaac White, and Warren White. Paul Blazek directed the choir and Bill West played the organ and piano. Thanks to all the brothers who participate in this valuable visibility program for our council.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Council 6099 scores seven awards at State Convention

Holy Family Council 6099 left the Tennessee KofC Convention as one the most-decorated councils in the Volunteer State. GK Jason Randall, DGK Richard Buske, and FS Ron Schleifer were among the representatives who attended the convention where the council won a total of seven awards and honors. Council 6099 received the following:

  • The JOY Award - Presented to Wayne Collins for bringing truckloads of unmitigated joy to lives everywhere.

  • State Deputy Award - For completion of council administration requirements for the fraternal year

  • State Program Consultant Award - For excellence in presentation of program award nominations

  • MR Foundation, 2nd Place - For raising over $15,000 for programs that help people with mental disabilities. The council was first in amount of increase of dollars raised over the previous year.

  • Vocations Activity Award- For outstanding promotion of vocations and seminarian support for our aluminum can program.

  • Charity Activity Award - For best charity activity of the fraternal year, awarded for the Council's succes in raising nearly $11 thousand for the Wheelchair Foundation, which represented more than a third of the funds raised in the entire state!

  • Bishops' Award - This is the most prestigious award given by the Tennessee State Council. The award was established to recognize councils that best promote awareness of membership, pro-life, church, family, youth, and work with the physically and mentally challenged. It is notable that there are a total of 82 KofC Councils in Tennessee, and only 8 councils received this award. (P)GK Jason is pictured with the award and DD Bill Markiewicz.

These awards are not possible without the participation of members like you! Thanks to everyone who helped make this fraternal year a big success!

Council 6099 delivers big for the Wheelchair Foundation & Food for the Poor

The council fried a lot of fish and cooked a lot of pancakes, among other things, to support the Wheelchair Foundation and Food for the Poor. WF Director Moe Rivers (pictured) led the charge that raised nearly $11 thousand for Wheelchair Foundation. Grand Knight Jason Randall presented a check to the state deputy. The council was also received the State Charity Program Award for our efforts. In fact, Council 6099 represented more than a third of all funds raised for the Wheelchair Foundation in the State! The fund drive for Food for the Poor in the last fraternal year also netted an amazing $16,850, which was sent to the charity, enough to build 8 houses for destitute families, plus 8 more through government matching programs. Congratulations to FFP Chairman Dennis Meinert for his leadership, and to all brother Knights who donated so many hours of labor to make a tremendous impact for these two organizations!

6099 gets 2nd place in the state for 2008-09 MR effort

Holy Family Council 6099's hundreds of man-hours put toward the MR drive in the 2008-09 paid off at state convention! The council was awarded 2nd place in the state of Tennessee for the amount raised in our MR drive, which totaled more than $15,000. That was a $3,000+ increase over the previous year, which was good enough for first place in amount of increase in the campaign over the previous year. Congratulations to retiring MR Director Steve Reker (pictured with partner Frank Oliveto) for going out on his highest note ever, and for meeting the council MR goal every year he was in charge! Brother Ken Stroop will be the new MR Chairman for the 09-10 fraternal year.

Knight of the Month - Jim Costello

Congratulations to Holy Family Council 6099 Knight of the Month for May, Brother Jim Costello.

Family of the Month - The Rieckes!

Congratulations to the family of Earl Riecke, name Holy Fmaily Council 6099's Family of the Month in May.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New documentary about JPII

Testimony is a new documentary/film about Pope John Paul II that I would like to see, based on the review.  Click here to read it.  There is also a link in the article to the official film website.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Priests on the Move

Bishop Richard Stika has announced reassignment of priests in the diocese. Click here for the entire list. Relative to 6099:
  • Fr. Mike Nolan is transferring to St. Dominic's in Kingsport.
  • Fr. Jim Vick will return to OLPH as pastor.
  • Fr. Augustine Idra, AJ, will be the new associate pastor of OLPH and Notre Dame HS chaplain (Apostles of Jesus [AJ] is an order of missionary priests in Africa. Info here).
  • Fr. Alex Waraksa heads to Holy Spirit in Soddy Daisy as part-time associate pastor
  • Our Chaplain, Fr. Tony Dickerson, will be the new associate at All Saints in Knoxville and chaplain at Knox Catholic HS.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lauren Simpson Wins Notre Dame Scholarship

Lauren Simpson, daughter of 2nd Degree Captain, Brother Mark Simpson, was awarded the Knights of Columbus Holy Family Council Notre Dame Scholarship. She was announced as the winner at the recent graduation ceremony at OLPH. Lauren, who also received OLPH school's Christian Living Award, among others, will begin her high school career at Notre Dame this fall. Proud father Brother Mark says he's proud of his girl and proud to be associated with the Knights! The Notre Dame Scholarship is awarded annually by the council and is funded by proceeds from the KofC Golf Tournament.

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Council Officer Nominations for 2009-10 Announced

The nominating committee has recommended the following Brother Knights for election to office for the 2009-2010 fraternal year. Voting for new officers will take place at the June business meeting. New officers will take over in July, the first month of the new fraternal year. Remember, other candidates for any of the offices may be taken from the floor during the business meeting. Following are the recommendations of the nominating committee:

Grand Knight: Richard Buske
Deputy Grand Knight: Victor Williams
Chancellor: Corky Evers
Warden: Wayne Collins
Recorder: Steve Horten
Advocate: Ray Fox, Jr.
Treasurer: Earl Riecke
Inside Guard: Chuck LaPlante
Inside Guard: Joe Salamone
Outside Guard: Isaac White
Outside Guard: Richard Smith
Trustee 1st Year: Jason Randall
Trustee 2nd Year: Mike Doyle
Trustee 3rd Year: Rusty Phillips

The nominating committee is chaired by FS Ron Schleifer. Members are Rusty Phillips, PGK; Allen Greenwell, Lecturer; Mike Doyle, PGK; Clarence Bodnar, PGK.

Assembly 1084 Welcomes 21 New Worthy Sirs

Twenty-one Brother Knights, including several from 6099, became Sir Knights last Saturday at the 4th Degree Exemplification sponsored by Fr. P.J. Ryan Assembly 1084. The exemplification, held in honor of new Knoxville Bishop Richard Stika, was followed by a Corporate Communion for all 4th Degree Knights and their families and a celebration banquet. Keynote speaker for the evening banquet was Vice Supreme Master Mike Horton. Also in attendance were District Master Bill Gunter, Faithful Friar Fr. Bert Glennon, Fr. Gilbert Diaz of St. Stephen's and Fr. Mike Nolan from OLPH. Among the brothers of Council 6099 who made 4th their 4th Degree were: John Bukatta, Ed Cerrantonio, Jim Costello, Richard Castle, Brad Phelps, Ken Stroop, and Isaac White.

To see pictures of the exemplification, click here. MORE PICTURES from Bro. Eugene Lansigan: click here.

Notre Dame Analysis

Links to a few great articles analyzing the president's speech at the Notre Dame commencement ceremony on Sunday and surrounding events:

George Weigel: The Real Catholic Challenge on National Review Online

Kathryn Jean Lopez: Notre Dame Says 'Yes we can' on National Review Online

Joseph Bottum: Catholic Culture and ND Protests on First Things

Friday, May 1, 2009

KCs at the Bat

The Mighty KCs already have a win under their collective belt, whipping up on the Liberty Baptists.  The taste of victory (especially one that's not a forfeit) is sweet!  Make it a point to catch a game or two.  All games are played at Jack Mattox Field.  Check out the website for directions and more:  www.catoosarec.com


Thu May 7th    6:30 field 5 vs  Noble Fellowship
                           7:30 same - double header.
Tue May 12th  6:30 field 6 vs Covenant Life Worship
Tue May 19th  8:30 field 7 vs Church at Catoosa #2
Thu May 28th  7:30 field 5 vs Covenant Life Worship

MR Weekend May 15-17

Your help is needed for MR Weekend, coming up May 15-17.  We need your help to raise money for our three charities:  Signal Centers, Orange Grove Center and AzUWer.  Knights will be stationed in two hour shifts at BI-LOs and WalMarts all over Chattanooga.  In this fraternal year, we raised a record amount of more than $15,000!  This year, lets bust that record!  Contact MR Chairman Steve Reker at 870-3630 to volunteer.  THANKS!

Pray the Rosary in May!

May is a Marian month, a month dedicated to the Blessesd Mother.  There is no better way to celebrate the month than by praying the Rosary.  All brother Knights and their families are encouraged to pray the HOLY ROSARY at St. Stephen's Church and OLPH before each Sunday Mass during the month of May. Celebrate our Blessed Mother and come to know the mysteries of Christ by praying together with your family and other parishoners.
Pope John Paul II called the Rosary “a prayer of great significance, destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness.”  As Knights, we are called to participate and help promote this most important and beneficial Catholic devotion.  If you would like to help lead the Rosary at either parish, your help is needed.  To volunteer, click here to e-mail Richard Smith for OLPH and click here to e-mail Warren White for St. Stephen's.  

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Faith Night Next Monday the 27th

What better way to celebrate Easter than to learn more about the Catholic faith!  All Catholic men (Knights or not) are invited to Mens Catholic Faith Night, Monday, April 27 at 7:00 pm, featuring the Professor, Brother George Bercaw.  The session is held at the Hall. George has put together a lively presentation of the Faith through the works and words of the Church Fathers.  Snacks provided and bring a friend! Remember, Faith Night is a standing date on the 4th Monday of every month.  Mark it on your calendar and be there!

Pancake Sunday at OLPH this Sunday helps Food for the Poor

So far this year, Holy Family Council and those who have supported our efforts have raised more than $11,000 for Food for the Poor!  With government matching programs, that means we will be providing at least 10 destitute famlies with real, solid homes where they can raise families and simply live with dignity.  That's a blessing, but "we ain't finished yet!"  With two more month left in this fraternal year, we have a chance raise even more funds, starting this Sunday, April 26 at OLPH with our monthly 4th Sunday Pancake Breakfast.  Bring yourself and your family and friends for all you can eat pancakes for just $3 a plate, with sausage and fixin's.  Serving starts at 7:30a and ends about 11:30a.  You're not just having breakfast, you're building homes with every plate you buy!  Find out how you are helping:  CLICK HERE.  Thank you for contributions!

America supports conscience protection

Feeling like you're swimming against the tide of culture these days. You're not alone, but some cold comfort on one issue can come from the fact that most Americans are very much against the removal of conscience protection from those who work in the medical profession.  Politicians better take notice.  Read more, click here.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

KofC -- Army of Oppression?

We're making an impact!  Click here to read this article off Catholic News Service.

Former Tennessee State Deputy is a Newsworthy Dad

Former State Deputy and Current 4th Degree District Master Bill Gunter is featured in an article on the Knights of Columbus Fathers for Good website.  Click here to read it.

Update from Faithful Citizenship

There are three bills to monitor in the Tennessee legislature. You can receive updates directly from http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/mybills/Login.aspx.
  • One that I've been telling you about since last year is the constitutional amendment SJR 0127. Yesterday it passed the House (it had been stopped in a committee there in previous years) and is now one big step forward on its way to eventually being on the ballot for citizens to vote on it directly.
  • One (HB 1448) has advanced from its subcommittee to full committee. No date shown for the next action. The amendment(s) that were added to it by the subcommittee are not currently shown online, so keep an eye/ear open on that.
  • The third (HB 1532) has been deferred in its committee until April 15, so there is time for you to contact the representatives on that committee and ask that they act as you recommend.
It has been recommended to me that we support SJR 0127 and HB 1448 (pending HB1448's amendments), and oppose HB 1532.