Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Help "Light Up for Christ" on December 2!

Once again, it's time to Light Up for Christ! Can you think of a better way to kick off the season of Advent than an evening celebrating the Light of the World? Tuesday, December 2nd, bring your family to enjoy a special tree lighting ceremony with Chaplain Fr. Tony Dickerson along with Christmas caroling, free holiday snacks and a hot chili bar from Chef Steve. There will also be special Christmas music from the Cadek Flute Choir! The event starts at 7 p.m. Special music starts about 7:30 and the tree lighting and caroling will begin around 8. Bring your family and tell your friends. Help us celebrate the arrival of the Light of the World and Keep Christ in Christmas!

See photos from last year's Light Up for Christ event. Click here!

The Swiss Army Knife of Life

Worthy Field Agent Andy Simms has some good advice regarding the use of a Whole Life policy as part of your financial portfolio. It's one of most versatile financial tools you can have to protect your family's future!

We have all been there at some point in our lives. A screw needs to be tightened, a strip of cloth that to be cut, a bottle refuses to open. So what is the must-have tool for every occasion? The Swiss Army Knife, of course! The versatility of this tool makes it an indispensable item in every toolbox. What if I told you that, like the Swiss Army Knife, a Whole Life insurance policy is just as indispensable to your financial portfolio? A whole life policy is one product, can protect your family's future in many different ways. (Read more...)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Catholic Faith Night

Men's Catholic Faith Night is Monday, November 24, 7pm at the hall. Our own professor, Brother George Bercaw, will continue his series exploring our Catholic faith. Remember, these sessions are open to all Catholic men, so bring a friend and introduce him to the Knights:

From the Professor:
Dear Brother Knights:Out next excursion into the history of the Catholic Church is somewhat involved: it will be divided into four parts. In Part One, we will begin by taking a look at the environment into which Christ chose to establish His Church... (read more)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Celebrate 6099 Family Week at Knights Family Mass

This Sunday, November 23, Council 6099 will celebrate Family Week by participating in a Family Mass for Knights and their families. It will take place at the 11am Mass at St. Stephens. Please make plans with your family to celebrate the Feast of Christ the King and the conclusion of the liturgical year with your Brother Knights! We will have space reserved so that families can sit together. Fourth degree brothers with regalia, please plan to wear it and participate in the guard.

BLUE OUT: Everyone who has a dark blue council T-shirt or golf shirt, please plan to wear it! If you don't have a shirt, wear a dark blue/navy shirt and your KofC Pin or name tag. We want to flood the nave with BLUE so we can really make an impact on the crowd! We want everyone to know that the Knights are EVERYWHERE and standing strong with our families, our Church and our community!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From the Grand Knight - We must FIGHT FOCA

A week ago I stated that we didn't need to "preach to the choir" about pro-life. It seems that I was wrong. We will need to educate the Catholic community and stand firm in the basic human right; the right to live.

I am shocked that Catholics and some Knights voted for a pro abortion agenda. Will they help us fight when things turn worse, as they most assuredly will according to news reports (click here and here) from the new administration?

Here are the facts: FOCA would establish the right to abortion as a fundamental right (like the right to free speech) and wipe away every restriction on abortion nationwide.

It will eradicate state and federal abortion laws that the majority of Americans support and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future.

Please read the expert analysis by Americans United for Life (AUL) and sign the Fight FOCA petition at: Watch the videos below from abortion survivor, Gianna Jessen:

FIGHT FOCA - What you can do / Discussion at St. Jude

The USCCB warns that a new, very serious threat to human life has arisen: the Freedom of Choice Act. Among other dangers, FOCA forces taxpayers to fund abortions. If passed into law, the current level of 1.1 million abortions a year will go up, not down.

Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard (202-224-3121) to contact the offices of your Representative and two Senators and urge them to oppose FOCA. Learn much more at

Everyone is invited to a discussion of the "Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA) on Mon, Dec 1st at 6:30 pm in the Parish Life Center (PLC) at St. Jude parish. Help inform and motivate others about the urgency of acting now to stop this legislation from being signed into law. For more information, please call 876-7935 or write to

A priest comments on Supreme Knight's open letter to Biden

Father Joe Jenkins of Holy Family Church in Mitchellsville, MD offers an excellent reflection on Carl Anderson's recent open letter to Sen. Joe Biden (now VP-Elect) regarding his pro-abortion stance and it's complete inconsistency with authentic Catholic teaching (see the 6099 blog entry about that here).

Ready Fr. Joes thoughts and other comments by clicking here. They are very direct! Please note that Fr. Joe's Blog will be added to the other Catholic Blogs list on the bottom right of the blog.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sins of the Wallet

The National Catholic Register has put together a collection of essays addressing the mulitple causes of the financial market meltdown from a moral perspective. Includes an essay by Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.

"Economic hard times are always times of soul-searching, and the global economic crisis even brought a response from Pope Benedict XVI, who said on Oct. 6 that the crisis shows the importance of building our lives on the firm foundation of the word of God. “We see it now in the fall of the great banks,” the Pope said. “This money disappears; it is nothing — and in the same way, all these things, which lack a true reality to depend on, and are elements of a second order.” The Register felt it was important to look at the moral dimensions of the economic downturn and asked several prominent Catholic thinkers, “What sins got us into this mess, and what virtues are required to get us out of it?” Their thoughts follow. " Read more...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Excellent Article - Must Read

Cardinal Eegan of New York posted an excellent article on the importance ending the abortion horror once and for all.

The picture on this page is an untouched photograph of a being that has been within its mother for 20 weeks. Please do me the favor of looking at it carefully... Read it.