Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Pro Life announcement from Supreme

Supreme Council has released a new recorded radio announcement to promote the Pro-Life issues for the upcoming election. Click here to go listen.

MMMMMMMMMMM Pancakes & Fish!

Tell your friends! Alert the neighbors! This Sunday, September 29, from 8a to Noon, drop in the OLPH PLC for the first Fourth Sunday Pancake Breakfast. Grab a stack of hot, delicious pancakes with sausage and other breakfast fixin's, all to help Food for the Poor. Knights, bring yourself and your families, and bring anyone you know to help us raise money and build community at OLPH! Just $3 will get you all-you-can-eat pancakes!

Not enough? Then be sure to come back to the PLC on Friday, October 3rd at 6pm for the first First Friday Fish Fry of the fall season! Just $5 will get you and your family all-you-can-eat fried fish and fixins, with all proceeds benefitting the Wheelchair Foundation. Be a part of the solution!

Knights needed for 40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that draws attention to the evil of abortion through the use of prayer and fasting, constant vigil and community outreach. 40 Days for Life takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families. Click here to see the 40 Days website.

The 40 Days for Life Campaign will move to OLPH the week of September 29th -October 5th. Please volunteer to be a part of the vigil this week. As Knights, we must show that we are very much about defending life in all stages!

YOU CAN HELP! There will be a canopy at the corner of South Moore and South Terrace. The Vigil will take place the following hours:
  • Monday 9/29 through Thursday 10/2, daily beginning with 8:15 a.m. Mass and concluding 7:00 p.m. each evening.

  • Friday 10/3 from 8:15 a.m. Mass, then during Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 a.m. until the 5:30 p.m. "First Friday" Mass.

  • Saturday 10/4 from 8:00 a.m. Mass until 5:30 p.m. Mass.

The "40 Days for Life" Vigil concludes on Respect Life Sunday, October 5, with a Silent Prayer Chain bordering OLPH from 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m., which will feature a special guest speaker from "Silent No More", along with closing prayers offered by local youth. Hundreds of people are needed to be witnesses for life during the life chain, so be sure to be there.

Allen Greenwell has the sign up sheets so please e-mail him and give him the time slot you want. All 6099 Knights need to help and show that the Knights are ultra Pro Lifers!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's Election Time - Educate Yourself

Once again, future of the country will swing on the Catholic vote in 2008. Because of that, it is very important that you educate yourself about the candidates relative to the teachings of the Church. Make sure you get the REAL story from reliable sources. Here are a couple of great sites worth spending the some time with. I'll add others as they come up, or feel free to suggest some:

  • Priests for Life Political Responsibility Center: Site hosted by Fr. Frank Pavone's ministry includes a voter information guide for life as well as practical steps for how you can get involved in the politcal process.
  • Faithful Citizenship from the USCCB: An excellent and extensive election info site from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops with videos, email newsletter, podcasts and links to several of the bishops' teaching documents on the matters of voting and conscience formation.

Supreme Knight's open letter to Sen. Biden

Brothers beware! You may have noticed efforts by the political class to attack Church beliefs by trying to redefine them, the latest being Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden. In an open letter to U.S. Sen. Joe Biden published Friday in several major newspapers, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson challenged Biden's assertion that Catholic teaching on abortion was not clear. He appealed to Biden "as a Catholic who acknowledges that life begins at conception," to protect the inalienable right to life. Read the letter.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Election '08 - Excellent Pro-Life Video

Thanks to Brother Bill West for finding an excellent video reminding us that this election is much more than just the economy or the war. Underlying all this is the basic and bedrock principle of life! Without a right to life, there ceases to be liberty and can be no pursuit of happiness. Watch the video.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Great read from Michael Novak...

...in National Review Online regarding Notre Dame's big win over Michigan last Saturday. Big 10ers, beware, but you can't ignore the signs. Read it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mention on the Supreme Website

Results from our Flea Market for the Wheelchair Foundation were posted on the Supreme website. Click here to check it out.

New Pictures from Founders' Day

Thanks to Brother Gene Lansigan for taking some outstanding pictures at the Founders' Day Banquet. They have been added to the current photo album, so take a look. You should be able to tell which are his pretty easily.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Brother James "Bo" Smith

Please keep the soul of Brother James "Bo" Smith and his family in your prayers. Brother Bo passed on to eternal life Sunday morning. Also, please especially remember in your prayers his wife Dotty, who has suffered a great loss.

Bo's wake will take place Thursday from 5pm to 8pm with Rosary at 7:30 p.m. A 4th Degree Honor Guard will stand watch, as well. The wake and viewing will be held at Chattanooga Funeral Home, across from OLPH. The funeral will be held at OLPH this Friday at 1pm.

NEW: Read Bo's obituary from the Chattanooga Times Free Press.

Founders' Day Banquet Celebrates 40 Years of Faith In Action

What a show! Holy Family Council 6099 hosted an outstanding celebration of the 40th year of our charter with a gala banquet honoring the council's charter members. At least 110 members and families attended the event, including four of the orginal council charter members: Al Burzese, Melvin Downs (pictured in back), Ray Fox, Sr., and Don Kohl (pictured in front). Each of these men put their name along with 60 others on the council charter September 7, 1968, helping lay the foundation for what would become Holy Family Council 6099, now one of the largest in the state of Tennessee with 277 members.

The program featured an address by Grand Knight Jason Randall, who recommitted the council to "live the message of the gospels" by continuing to serve Church and community in close cooperation in our parish priests. Clergy in attendance last night were Father Gilbert Diaz from St. Stephen's, Fr. Mike Nolan from Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and also our own council chaplain, Fr. Tony Dickerson. Other special guests included State Treasurer Mike Wills and his wife, Kathy, and State Warden Jim Bruuns and his wife, Doris.

The evening finished up with a delicious prime rib dinner created by Council Chef Steve Reker, ably assisted by Brother Bill Woods. Lots of laughs and memories were shared, wrapping up an eventful Founders' Weekend which included the 40 Year Fish Fry on Friday, and the John Knight/Don Kohl Benefit Golf Tournament on Saturday.
See pictures from the event here. Also, if you want to check out some of the "historical" photos on display last night, click for the 70s, or the 80s, or the 90s.

Thanks to all those who attended and those who made it possible, especially Chef Steve Reker for preparing the meal and the Ladies Auxiliary for beautifully decorating the hall for the event.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Come to Founder's Day Banquet this Sunday!

The 40th Anniversary Founders Day Banquet will be this Sunday, September 7, at the hall. Bring your family for a delicious Chef Steve prime rib dinner for just $5.00 each while you relive memories from the last 40 years. Social hour begins at 5:30 and dinner will be served at 6:30. Special guests include so far State Treasurer Mike Wills and State Warden Jim Bruuns, plus clergy and hopefully a few of the founders! There will be a short program and presentation of a proclamation as well as a LOT of pictures of characters from the past (like Mayor Stumpy!).

Please RSVP by Thursday to Jason at knights6099@bellsouth.net