What a show! Holy Family Council 6099 hosted an outstanding celebration of the 40th year of our charter with a gala banquet honoring the council's charter members. At least 110 members and families attended the event, including four of the orginal council charter members: Al Burzese, Melvin Downs (
pictured in back), Ray Fox, Sr., and Don Kohl (
pictured in front). Each of these men put their name along with 60 others on the council charter September 7, 1968, helping lay the foundation for what would become Holy Family Council 6099, now one of the largest in the state of Tennessee with 277 members.
The program featured an address by Grand Knight Jason Randall, who recommitted the council to "live the message of the gospels" by continuing to serve Church and community in close cooperation in our parish priests. Clergy in attendance last night were Father Gilbert Diaz from St. Stephen's, Fr. Mike Nolan from Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and also our own council chaplain, Fr. Tony Dickerson. Other special guests included State Treasurer Mike Wills and his wife, Kathy, and State Warden Jim Bruuns and his wife, Doris.
The evening finished up with a delicious prime rib dinner created by Council Chef Steve Reker, ably assisted by Brother Bill Woods. Lots of laughs and memories were shared, wrapping up an eventful Founders' Weekend which included the 40 Year Fish Fry on Friday, and the John Knight/Don Kohl Benefit Golf Tournament on Saturday.
See pictures from the event here. Also, if you want to check out some of the "historical" photos on display last night, click for the
70s, or the
80s, or the
Thanks to all those who attended and those who made it possible, especially Chef Steve Reker for preparing the meal and the Ladies Auxiliary for beautifully decorating the hall for the event.