It's that time. New officers for the 2013-14 fraternal year will be elected at the June business meeting. Please consider these names, then show up to cast your vote.
If you're interested in pursuing one of the elected offices, please contact a member of the nominating committee. The committee members are Victor Williams, Clarence Bodnar, Ronnie Schleifer, Corky Evers and Wayne Collins.
The nominees are:
Chaplain: Fr. Bartholomew Okere
Grand Knight: John Vannucci
Deputy Grand Knight: Tom Smelas
Chaplain: Rick Powell
Warden: Craig Bodnar
Recorder: Steve Horton
Financial Secretary: Ron Schleifer
Treasurer: Earl Reike
Advocate: Ray Fox, Jr.
Lecturer: Jim Costello
Guards: Roland Lee, Mike Doyle, Jr., Chris Schleifer, Craig Romanauski
Trustees: Wayne Collins (3yr), Corky Evers (2yr), Victor Williams 1(yr)